Isn't it romantic? Part three

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There's an aroma in the air... French toast! Whoa, I never knew French toast could smell so good.
Grabbing my phone from the charger, I turn it on to find two missed calls from my mother. I really need to talk to her, I miss her voice.
I dial her number and wait patiently for her to pick up. Luckily, she doesn't take time to.
"Hey momma" I greet her, tears uncontrollably rolling down my face. I didn't know I missed her this much just until now.
"Hey my little chica, I miss you!" She greets back and I could somehow picture the smirk she has on her face. "April sent me pictures yesterday. You looked like a princess mi amor"
"Aww, thanks mom" I thank her, feeling guilty of keeping this whole situation from her.
"Mom, I have to tell you something... Kayden and Kyro got into a fight which ended in Kyro smashing a large glass bowl on Kyro's head. That caused Kyro to lose consciousness and he's currently in a coma. Aunt April also kicked Kyro out of the house because of that" I explain to her, still not believing the fact that this whole thing happened.
My mother gasps and goes silent, worrying me.
"Momma, are you okay?" I ask her with worry in my voice.
"That's so horrible"
"Yeah, I know mom. I'm just trying to make sense of all this" I tell her, silently sobbing.
"It's going to be alright amor, just try to be strong" She assures me which comforts me a little.
"Thanks mom" I sincerely thank her. Even if she's not here, I can feel her presence. That's how powerful her spirit is.
"Listen honey, I have to go but I'll call you as soon as I can"
A little sad that I can't talk to her any longer but it is what it is.
"Okay, love you momma" I tell her, smiling at my phone as if she can see me.
"Love you more chica" She answers backs, ending the call seconds later.

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