¦Give Me The Power¦

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Izukus p.o.v

Right now I was in a nice bedroom,sitting on the floor, and crying. I mean who wouldn't be when someone tells them that they are forced to marry All for one. She had tried escaping many times but the room wouldn't get eveb a scratch.

She had a big window to look out from. But no one would see her crying or pleading for help. She was on the 78'th floor of a really tall building. Apparently this was All for one's hotell wich ofcourse worked as a cover up business to get money for the villains.

I was looking out of the window, all hope lost. I honestly didn't even feel like moving myself. I was 16,and I was about to get married to a man I hated the most. I mean, I knew life was going too great for me. And now im at my end.

I look at the clock on my nightstand. It was 00:02 AM.I picked up the remote and switched on the TV. From there I saw the news. They were talking about me,how I was missing and how my family was worried about me. But I wasn't. I was right here in this big hotell trapped in this room. I wanted to cry,and so I did.

The next morning I found myself laying on the floor, probably after crying myself to sleep. The sun peered in through the curtains. I honestly didn't care but after some time it got annoying. I went to the window and threw open the blinds. The sun landed on my beautifull face wich made me happy. I spread my white wings and pressed my hands against the glass. Feeling as it got hotter probably of me taking in the energy of the sun. Suddenly I felt something burning my hand.

I took my hand away in shock, my hands were hurting a little because I probably burned them. When I look at the glass I saw that I had melted it a little. I stare at it in shock.

Then I try something. I put my hands back to the same place and collect as much energy from the sun as I can. Then I focus it on my hands and I could feel the thicc 10cm glass window melting. I kept at it. Collecting more and more energy from the sun and focusing it on my hands.

After I had melted through 8cm worth of glass I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I took one of the blinds and covered the place I was melting.

"Come in!" I yell. The door makes a 'click' sound implying that the door is now opened. A man who's whole body was covered in mist stepped inside. He was holding a tray with delicious looking waffles and tea with biscuits. He lays the tray down on the small coffe table in the middle of the room.

Kurogiri:"Eat something, I don't really fawor you but you aren't the worst either."

With that he closed the door locking it again. I sigh with relief. I decide to pull leave my escape plan for some time to enjoy some breakfast. The waffles were quite enjoyable and same goes for the tea and cookies. 'Maby some peaople aren't as bad after all?'

When I'm done with eating I continue my escape plan. I decided to make the hole the size of my shoulders. I keep at it while I finally make a hole in the glass. It was quite tiring but I have to keep at it!

By lunch I was almost done with my escape. I only needed to melt one more part and I would be out of here. With the breeze coming in it was quite cold. I knew if somone was to walk in now I would be dead.

I only had about 4cm of glass left to melt. It was easier because the other holes I made created small cracks in the window. 'Come on Izuku you got this! Only 2 cm more to go and you'll be able to escape!' I thought. I was getting closer and closer to getting free from this prison!

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door and after that a voice. It was Toga. "Oh Izu~Chan I brought you lunch, you must be starving!"

It's now or never. I took as much energy from the sun that I could and blasted the glass. It shattered and made me a perfeckt escape route. Toga must have heard it too because he suddenly started banging on the door." IZU~CHAN ARE YOU ALLRIGHT?!?! "

I didn't even look back, I spread my wings and was ready to fly any moment. "Bye, you sick fuck."

With that i jumped out of the window. I could hear the door open and Toga screaming. After that I felt a sharp pain to the left of me. Toga had thrown a knife at me but because of the wind it had hit my wing.

I scream in pain while I start falling towards the ground. 'Is this the end for me?' I thought.

Suddenly I remember something. I took one of my feathers and ate it. I could see my left wing healing but not fast enough. I was nearing the ground at a awfully fast pace. I knew my wing wasn't fully healed but there was nothing I could do. I spread my wings again and started trying to slow down while gliding through buildings.

My wing hurt. And it hurt bad. I couldn't stand the pain. I was nearing the ground too and suddenly I saw a familiar pair of red rubis looking at me. 'Kacchan?'

I put my hands in front of my face to prepare for contact with the ground but instead I felt somone catch me and then hit the ground with me. When I opened my eyes slowly I could see my wings dissapearing and under me was Kacchan.

He had protected me by taking the fall damage all to himself. I saw a feather of mine on the ground and i make Kacchan eat it. A few moments later his eyes flutter open and look right back at my emerald green eyes.

"Deku, you baka"


Hey hey whats this, two updates in one day? qwq

Also if toy find spelling mistakes, please forgive me english wasn't my first language! TwT

Anw hope you enjoyed!

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