17 - Procrastinating Fangirls

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"We now join our heroes in a land of wonder, where creatures evolve in awesome light shows and father time forgot to add aging. This is Poketale. On their latest adventure, our trio of Heroes found a new punster- a Cubone named Sans!" Fire states dramatically.

Hope snickers as Weaver hits himself in the face with his tail, the closest thing he can do to a facepalm with his tiny Mew arms.

"Whelp... that was the weirdest thing ever," Sans says, feeling a migraine from the asks.

"Let's hoping there won't be any more Asks for awhile," says Weaver in agreement.

"It was fun," Hope chirps, bouncing about.

"That's because you're a Swap Sans," Fire replies.

"Huh. You're a Mew," says Sans to Weaver interestedly, entirely ignoring the two who had been poking him earlier. "Cool. We don't see your kind very often anymore, let alone a shiny version."

"Yeah, we're... not from around here, to say the least," Weaver replies.

"Hmm... a skele-ton of shinies," Fire muses.

Hope giggles.

"What are those voices, anyway?" Sans asks.

"Creators," Weaver explains simply. "They brought us here. I dunno why- probably just to explore, pull some pranks, and then head off to another AU."

"Oh... so the voices are the dragon girl and the other lady?" Sans exclaims, it makes a lot more sense now.

"Boreeeed," X moans, he never gets to do anything fun.

The group waits for Snow to say something, but only silence follows.

"Um, Fire... where's Snow?" X asks, looking nervous. After all, Snow keeps Fire sane and vice versa in this thing.

"Cell phone connection down again maybe?" Fire muses.

"Let's just relax, get some food until she appears," Weaver says, wandering off in search of food.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Hope agrees, rushing off.

X just naps.

"SNOW! We're waiting!" Fire calls across the vast landscape of the Storyverse.

"Oh sorry! Was eating cookies!" Snow chirps, popping into the Storyverse out of nowhere, cookies in hand.

Fire gives her puppy-dog eyes for cookies, and she reluctantly hands Fire one of her cookies, hoarding the rest.

X mutters jealously about how he wants cookies too, but he is definitely not getting any. Snow is far too protective of them.

"Okay, we did the asks, now what?" Weaver asks, giving a kitty glare. Which has no effect, as he is still too cute.

"I dunno!" Snow chirps cheerily. "Maybe explore some more? I heard that a little Eevee fell down a while back, and apparently- oh, and Sans? Paps is looking for you, you should probably go."

"How... how does she- never mind," mutters Sans. "This is where I'll be leaving you crazy kids," he says lazily, sauntering out as only a Sans can.

"Kids?!" Weaver exclaims, aghast. Sometimes- ALWAYS- he wonders about this freaking Multiverse.

Hope giggles.

Meanwhile, X had somehow pulled out a cellphone, he was scrolling through the web and giggling about his chat buddy trolling others. Said chat buddy went by O&C.

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