Impacts of Therapy

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Impacts of Therapy

My room in the rehab center is small, and I have to share. I hate sharing.

It isn't that actual process of sharing my space that bothers me, it's that fact that I barely know the person that I'm sharing with. Lara, who hadn't left my side until minutes ago, told me that her name was Calla, like the lily, but she liked to be called Lily, because she likes the flower Lily, but not the flower Calla Lily.

My brother's teddy bears are still clutched tightly in my arms, and I gently set them down on the bed. I set the one that he had one all by himself in the center of my bed, leaning it up against the wall so it can sit up straight, and then lean the other two up beside him. The bright pink one on the left and the big one on the right. It feels good to know that my brother is with me, even though he isn't.

There's a quiet knock on the door, almost tentative like whoever it is will scare me if they knock even the slightest bit louder. They might be right.

"Come," my voice is a whisper when I say, "in," it's like my own voice is sending a knife into my brain.

"Genesis?" it's Lara, "I would like you to meet Lily, your new roommate until you start feeling better."

Lara steps aside slightly to reveal a girl who looks no older than fourteen, but seems to have been through more pain than a World War II veteran.

She's not somebody who I would call pretty, I hate myself for even thinking that about someone, but it's true. Maybe she would be pretty if she let her hair grow out, and her blue eyes weren't bloodshot, but I don't think that will help very much. Because it's the scars that make her hard to look at.

There's a large scar running from her chin, up the left side her face, and disappears behind her ear. When I look at her wrist I want to cry at how many different sized cuts are flawing her skin. A large red welt pulses on the top of her head like it has it's own heartbeat.

Those aren't the worse ones though. No, it's the cuts going across her neck that take my breath away. Not just one cut, but multiple. It looks like someone took an axe to her throat on multiple occasions.

I gulp and try to remember what the polite thing to say is.

After about a minute of taking each other in Lily walks over to my bed takes my teddy bears off of it. She turns and shoves them into my chest, "I don't want these in my room," and she walks out.

Tears prickle my eyes as I lay down on my bed. My back to the door, along with Lara who I know is still standing there, as I hug the teddies to my chest like they are the one thing keeping me alive.

"She's had a hard life," Lara says. I feel her arm rest on my shoulder as sobs wrack my body, "harder than you, or even I can imagine," when I don't respond she sighs, "I will talk to hew SW and try and figure out if she can get Lily to let you have your teddy bears. Until then I would just put them under your bed."

The door squeaks slightly, signaling that she is moving it. Before I hear the latch click like it would if she were to close it completely she speaks again, "Don't forget your meeting with Dr. Hamilton and six. Do you remember the way there?" I nod my head, and thankfully she can see the action, "Good. Now if you need anything just hit the button on your wristband," I don't look down at the black ugly thing they people at the center had strapped onto my wrist when I walked in, "it's linked directly to me, and I can be wherever you are in five minutes. No matter where you are in the center."

The door squeaks again and clicks closed.

"Hello Genesis, can I call you Genny?"

I shake my head.

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