Moments of Meeting

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Moments of Meeting

The last place that I want to be is the county rehabilitation center. I don't think that there is anything wrong with me, other than the whole 'I can't remember anything before freshman year' thing, but really how big is that?

I know that we can't afford it, I at least remember that. Yes, if my memory is correct, Annalease had come out with a line of her own clothes not long before the crash, but that doesn't mean that we can afford for me to be sent to a rehab center.

Looking around the room I frown at the posters of busty woman on my roommates side of the dorm. They're leaning on cars and against walls, wearing just above nothing. I've never been very comfortable with looking at the woman on those posters or magazines, it always feels like I'm invading their privacy, which is something that I don't like doing. I don't want it done to me, so I don't want to do it to anybody else.

I've hated it ever since I can remember, all three years that is. I can't see myself hating it before freshman year, mostly because I don't think I had anything to had back then. But really what do I have to hide now?

The fact that my parents died when I was fourteen? I mean I guess I wouldn't want people to be asking me question over and over again about if I was okay, or what happened to them. So that might be a contributing factor, but I don't think that would be enough for me to hate people that would try to invade people's privacy. But who knows how I was before these last three years.

"And this one," Hades says point to a bright haired girl leaning against a black car, "she's my favorite. Trista Romano. Beautiful as they come."

I scrunch my nose at his comment knowing that there is one girl that is more beautiful than all of the girls in his poster combined.

"What?" he asks catching my look of disgust and disagreement, "Do you really think that there is any girl hotter than Trista Romano?" he says her name like it a dream.

Digging into my suitcase that Grayson and Annalease had packed for me I pull out my picture of Genesis. He tries to grab for it, but I'm partly scared that he will post it up on his wall with all of his posters. And who knows what's on his hands, with the pictures that he's freely showing to everyone I'm scared to think about what he hides.

The picture is one that I took. I don't even think Genesis knew that I had my camera the day that I took it until I she found the picture in my wallet. It wasn't like I was trying to hide it. I wasn't going stalker on her and was hiding behind a pillar snapping picture after picture of her.

It was about a month before we started dating. She had found out about my infatuation about her when I tried to punch the living crap out of Colston after they broke up. We were just hanging out. Not really doing anything, but doing everything all at the same time.

Her parents were up at mass while the two of us stayed downstairs with all the kids. She was smiling at one of the little five year olds who was showing her a picture that he had drawn. Her eyes were crinkled slightly as she grinned at whatever he had drawn.

I didn't even know that I was taking the picture until I had my camera out of my back pocket and already had the picture taken. It wasn't as perfected as I wanted it to be. I had taken it with my little crappy camera that I bought when I thought my larger, more professional, camera would be in the way of whatever I was doing. The lighting was a bit off, and it was shakier that I would have liked, but I couldn't help but love it.

Hades leaned over and looked at the picture, "She's kind of on the round side dude," he points to the picture, "and her nose is too big for her face, and dude-" he stops and looks up at my with an eyebrow raised, "I could go on for a while but I get the feeling you want to kill me."

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