Did you miss me?

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The next morning Lucifer combed his hair. He wished to look good before he went to see his daughter. Due to the fight he and Charlie had a couple of weeks ago, he was 87 percent sure Charlie wouldn't be happy to see him. The king of hell nervously straightened out his jacket before chastising himself. He was Lucifer Magne. He didn't do nervous.

Yet when Lucifer stood in front of the hotel, he wondered how bad an idea it would be to not go in. He reminded himself of the annoying snake and their deal from last night. Time to prove the king pin wrong.

Lucifer knocked and let himself in. There wasnt anyone in the lobby as far as Lucifer could see. He looked at the Magne family painting with a small smile. While he and Lilith had hit a rough patch he still loved her. Lucifer just found that he wasn't... you know... Straight. Sex with Lilith had been awesome. But honestly he didn't wish to spend the rest of eternity with her as his wife. No. Lilith was nowadays more like a sister to him.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts he turned to look at the front desk. Lucifer realised there was indeed someone here. They were just asleep, hugging a bottle of cheap booze to their chest. "Excuse me?" Lucifer hummed as he tried to wake up the cat? Bird? Catbird demon.

Husk looked up startled. "What do ya want?" He hiccuped and groaned.

"I would like to speak to Charlie... if she's in." Lucifer answered. He glared at the drunk receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I.. " Lucifer blinked. "I am her father."  He huffed indignantly.

Husk took a swing of his cheap booze. "Do you have an appointment." He repeated lazily.

Lucifer growled lowly and reached out to grab Husk by the neck when something else grabbed his attention. The static came first then the ominous chill. "Did you miss me?"

Lucifer turned around to face Alastor. "What in the name of me are you doing here?" He growled. The king of hell did not appreciate his daughter hanging out with the radio demon.

"Why I was simply bored is all." Alastor bowed. His usual grin stuck in place.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the radio demon. "I'm sure that's what this is." He growled.

Husk hid underneath the counter. The tension in the room was starting to become a little too much for him.

"Pappa." Charlie tackled her father with a cheer.

' She's happy to see me? ... I just lost the bet didn't I?' Lucifer paled slightly at the thought of having to tell the snake he was right. "Hello Charlie."

"I'm so glad you're here. The.. interview didn't go well. But!" She raised a finger. "At least Alastor joined us."

"Thank father for that." Lucifer glared at Alastor, who's shit eating grin widened.

"Yes! Things are finally looking up for the hotel." Charlie smiled happily.

"So you seem happy to see me?" Lucifer asked carefully

"Why wouldn't I be? You're my dad. Even though you don't support the hotel, I still love you." Charlie hugged him tightly.

' shit.. that snake was right.' Lucifer felt like hitting himself for making the stupid deal. He should have known his ray of sunshine would never stay mad at him.

"So why did you come here anyways?" Alastor hummed.

"Afraid I'm going to fuck up your plans, Radio Demon?" Lucifer grinned.


"Try anything and I will grind you into stardust."

"Hah. You're very cute, my king." Alastor chuckled.

Lucifer's eye twitched in agitation. "If you must know... I came to support my daughter."

"Why?" Charlie and Alastor asked both at the same time. "It's not like you've done so before." Charlie looked curiously at her father.

"I can visit my daughter if I want to." Lucifer tried to defend himself.

"Someone told you to didn't they?" Alastor chuckled.

Lucifer flushed slightly. "No!" 'why do I feel outnumbered?'

"All that matters is that you're here." Charlie smiled happily.

Lucifer sighed. "I just wanted to check up on you. I'm not staying for long."

Lucifer made the mistake of looking into Charlie's puppydog-eyes. "Fine.." He sighed. "I suppose I can spend one night at the hotel."

Charlie cheered and hugged her father. Alastor however didn't look as happy. Lucifer was a threat. One of the few who were a danger to him. Alastor didn't let his emotions show. His sharper smile being the only indigation of his dissatisfaction.

Charlie chatted happily with her father as she showed him around. Alastor trailing behind them. Keeping a close eye on the king.


Lucifer strolled up to the Victorian mansion with a sneer on his face. He wasn't looking forward to this part. With a sigh and a growl he knocked.

Sir Pentious, now looking much more dressed, opened the door. "I've been expecting you." The king pin looked smug. As if he knew.

"You look smug for someone who's about to experience true hell." Lucifer hummed.

Sir Pentious frowned and deflated a little. "She wasn't happy to see you?" That didn't sound like the princess of hell he knew.

"Oh she was. Ecstatic even." Lucifer grumbled softly. "Move aside. You're spending the week with me." The king of Hell did his best to keep his dignity.

Sir Pentious laughed. "I knew it. " his hood flared in excitement. "So I have you to myself for a week?~" he hissed softly. The satisfied smug look on his face made Lucifer want to punch him.

"Indeed." The devil grumbled.

"Swell." Sir Pentious slithered into his home, closing the door behind him.

Lucifer glanced at him with a puzzled expression. "You seriously need to be updated on modern slang."

Sir Pentious looked offended. "My lingo is groovy."

"Not correct and outdated." Lucifer cringed. "You sound like a grandparent trying to keep up with the hip kids."

"At least I dont make deals that could put me in an awkward position." Sir Pentious hissed at Lucifer. "If you're so good at.. slang.. then my first order of the week is for you to teach me. Wait no! You have to make me popular!"

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