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We all woke up fairly late. None of the circles beneath our eyes were as prominent as yesterday and we all looked well rested. Klaus had been up for an hour longer than the rest of us. Jonas followed suit, evidently waking Cleo. When Maia had woken up, she crawled into my room. I opened my eyes groggily, groaning until my eyes focused on her beautiful face and I grinned.

"Its not everyday you wake up to something as beautiful as you." I leaned forwards and kissed her lips lightly. She climbed onto the bed, on top of the patchy quilt while I was beneath it. She wrapped her arms around me and snuggled in close. I smiled and let her bury her head in the crook of my neck. I pressed my lips to the top of her head and closed my eyes, briefly drifting off back into sleep.
My eyes flickered. I could feel the cold radiating off of the man stood before me. He was cloaked in black,a huge contrast to his icy white eyes. They were a lot like Klaus'.
"My boy," he said. He had a harsh, strong, demanding voice. "You are bringing the Elementals here, are you not?"
"Of course, father," I felt myself say, unable to control my voice. It didn't sound like me either. It was slightly higher. "I just need time. I must gain their trust first."
"Well hurry up, son, I am weakening and I need their blood to revive my energy."
"I need a little bit more time. They don't trust me yet, not fully anyway. They are all so close, they all know each other before the travels. It is hard to become part of them."
"You are good looking, my son, you say there are two girls. Get close to one, she will trust you and lend you the ticket to their group."
"Yes, father."
"I only want to help them, them and myself, of course. I will need a sample of your blood too, my boy."
"I can't!"
"Why not?"
"I know what you plan to do and you can do without the air!" I lifted my hand and I felt a blast rush from my fingertips. It was exhilarating. I turned and caught a glimpse in the wet, reflective walk of the cavern I was stood in. I had mucky, mud coloured hair and icy white eyes. I became in control for a second, either that our we both gasped with astonishment.

"Maia!" I cried when I woke up, grasping for her thin figure. I grabbed her hoops and pulled her close to me. I explained my dream.

"I think Klaus is hiding something from us." I laughed sarcastically at Maia's comment.

"I mean like, he's hiding his parentage from us. I think his dad might be linked to the Catchers. I think maybe the Catchers are trying to capture us to deliver them to Klaus' dad. So that he can take our blood or whatever."

"Then why would they be on the run for Klaus?" she looked slightly stumped but then lit up.

"Because he needs Klaus too and he needed to make sure Klaus would find the other Elementals and bring them to him. Alternatively, it could be because his dad needs his blood to, not just ours but you said that Klaus didn't want to give it to him, hence why the Catchers are trying to get him: to get his blood!" I had to admit that it all made sense. The only question was how is Klaus communicating with his father when he's been here all night? Or maybe he hadn't been. Maybe he'd been sneaking out to plot our demise with his father. After their little argument, we could be safe for now, maybe Klaus would ignore his dad because he'd insulted him and demanded his blood. I hoped that was the case.

Maia rolled out the bed and we made our way downstairs together. Cleo and Klaus were watching the television together, sitting very close to each other. Jonas was trying to make omlets for breakfast but four burnt egg things lay on plates beside him. Maia let go of my hand and snatched the egg from his hand quickly. He smiled at her sheepishly and she busied herself making nice omlets for our breakfast. I pulled Jonas out the kitchen and explained my dream and Maia's conclusions, excluding the part where we'd been curled up in our bed. Jonas' eyes widened and he almost went in there but we had to keep this a secret. Or weapon against him to help save our own backs.

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