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Maia, Jonas and I had been plotting how to extract information from Klaus for the last three hours. So far we'd ruled out torture devises, ignoring him till he cracks, kicking him out unless he tells us(though we might still make this a possibility) and starving him. We had planned to go with the cliche cornering and interrogation system.

Jonas and I had been very certain that we should exclude Cleo from this. Maia was to distract Cleo, while Jonas and I cornered Klaus. We would take him to our bedroom to commence the interrogation.

It felt wrong, going against Klaus when he had saved mine and Maia's lives fairly recently. He had also been the one to warn us of the unfathomable danger of the Catchers. Klaus was providing very useful to us but was getting a little too close to Cleo and after the dream I'd had, that was unacceptable.

Maia sashayed out the room and grabbed Cleo's hands.

"Look at my hair!" She cried, branching at chunks with one hand,"its awful. How on earth am I supposed to look good for Raphael if my hair looks like this? You have to help me Cleo, I've heard your a God with hair." Maia had pulled Cleo off the sofa and was dragging her out the room, while Cleo babbled on about how updos would stay in for longer and look neat.

Jonas, being the more casual of the two of us, was to go in first. He walked into the room and sat beside Klaus at the table.

"Hey, mate." He said.

"Hey," replied Klaus nonchalantly, "You see Maia and Cleo then?"

"Nah, why, what were they doing?"

"Maia just came in shouting bout her hair and dragged Cleo off to her room."

"Ah, so you and Cleo been spending a lot of time together? Is there something we should know about?"

"No, she just doesn't want to get close to me and-"

"Hey," I called, striding in and sitting opposite the two of them. "What you guys talking about?"

"Not much, bro." Smiled Jonas knowingly. Immediately, we both turned our heads to look at Klaus. He looked between the two of us, confused.

"You guys okay?"

"I don't know, Klaus, you tell me." Jonas sneered.

"I had a dream last night about a certain someone sneaking off to see their father."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard."

"No," said Klaus, dangerously, "You had a dream about me and my father and your still alive?"


"You control fire, and you control earth and I control air, well, my father, he controls dreams so he makes me visit him in my sleep but he would have been able to tell you were there, if you were dreaming. He senses everyone's dreams, I wonder why he didn't sense you?"

"That's not the point," I replied, slightly creeped out, "Point is, your trying to deliver us to your father to give him our blood. We want to know why he needs it?"

"Look, I don't feel comfortable telling you guys this so if you could just trust-"

"No!" Shouted Jonas suddenly. We heard a crash upstairs as he made the girls jump, "You will not put my family in danger! You hear me? You will not get close to Cleo just so you can use her to lead us into a trap! We won't give you our blood! Never, not unless we have Good reason to, now tell us exactly why your father wants it! And also why you won't let him have the blood of the air, you hear?" Klaus shivered in fear.

"You used me to get close to you." Cleo asked, tears threatening to spill. Klaus leapt up, turning to her. Her and Maia were stood in the doorway.Maia was gripping Cleo's hand and led her into the room. Cleo sat down beside Jonas, tears rolling onto his jumper. Maia collapsed beside me and have me an apologetic look. She placed her sleeve over her hand and lay it in mine.

"No, you have to listen to what happened." Klaus cried, "I ran away when I was twelve because I found out that my father had killed my mother by accident because he wanted her blood. She could also control the air. Unfortunately, his betrayal left her blood tainted and he couldn't use it. I ran away the next day knowing he would try and convince me to give him my blood out of freewill instead. I didn't go home for years but every time I fell asleep, my father would haunt me. He'd tell me to come home and it was an eternal battle to stay away from him, even when the Catchers found me, he came to me in my sleep. Then I found you guys. He came to me again and told me how he needed you. I said no. He explained it all to me then. When he was a child, he'd been cursed. He needed the blood of Elementals to live. He would mix his own blood with water for years to keep himself alive and one day he got angry. He craved the blood of another Elemental, to taste them instead. He killed my mother by accident, spilling too much blood. The tainted blood made him sick and he got ill for two months. He found another Elemental and found that their blood, willingly given, made him stronger. He told me that he wanted your blood so he could make a concoction that would last him the rest of his life. So he could be strong forever. I agreed, my only thought being that I could save my father because I loved him, despite what he'd done. I then found out that he'd employed the Catchers that had kept me hostage for so long. He'd wanted to punish me. I backed out of the decision realising who he really was. He came to me again, telling me I belonged nowhere except with him and I needed to face that fact. He wants to capture all the Elementals to make himself stronger, to eliminate the human race. He needs the blood of all four Elementals and any others to absorb some of their power temporarily to kill us all. I was to lead you to him. I knew you had to give up your blood willingly and I thought maybe if you didn't he might give up but I realised last night that he'll never give up. We argued and I hope he might just leave us alone for a bit until I'm ready to trust him again but I think he's getting desperate. He won't give up."

It was quiet for a long time until Cleo spoke up.

"Then we have to catch him and kill him before he does."

Klaus turned to her now.

"Cleo, he told me to get close to you to become part of this little family you guys are but it backfired on me."

She turned away from him and Maia took Jonas and I by the hands and lead us out but not before I heard Klaus say:

"It backfired on me because I began to really like you."

Jonas growled but Maia took him to our room.

"Let's just relax up here for a while until they sort things out. We know now that Klaus is virtually innocent so there's nothing to worry about. Okay?"

We both grumbled our agreements but neither of us were particularly pleased that Klaus' dad was this evil villain that we had to kill or that he was hitting on our sister. Maia sat beside me and reached out to touch me. The ash and water vapour merged together. It was strange and we needed to figure out when it was going to occur. Not right now, though. I grabbed Maia's waist and pulled her onto the bed. We snuggled together and closed our eyes. I heard Jonas angrily stomp out the room.

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