chapter 2

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Haru was 7 when he found out he would one day lose his hearing.

He was playing in the back yard with his only friend ( that he secretly liked) , Makoto. His mother was thrilled that her son had managed to make at least one friend with his blunt way of speaking and antisocial behavior. Makoto was chattering away cheerily when Haru tilted his head. It was a small gesture, so minute his own mother didn't even notice it but Makoto did.

"Haru-chan, what's wrong?" His mother walked over then.

"Haruka, honey, is something wrong?" Haru shrugged.

"Haru." His mother raised a brow knowing her son wasn't one to complain. Haru looked down.

"My ear ringing." His mother frowned,

"I hope it's not an ear infection, I'll go make an appointment with your doctor." As his mother went back inside. Makoto sat closer to Haru, slinging his arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay, Haru-chan, the doctor will have you as good as new by tomorrow!" Makoto gave Haru one of his breathtakingly beautiful smiles. Haru looked down, his own lips curving slightly at the ends and a red flush adorning his cheeks and tips of his ears.

Haru and his parents trudged home silently. The doctors words going through all of their minds. A congenital disease from his father's side. Apparently it had skipped a generation, sparing Haru's father, Haru himself hadn't been as lucky. The doctor had told him his hearing would steadily decrease until he was completely deaf. The doctor also informed him occasional ringing, buzzing, or distortion of sound was normal but there wasn't anything they could really do about it. His parents seemed worried but Haru, Haru himself was unfazed, until he remembered Makoto. How would his friend take the news? Haru decided to get the burden of telling him out of the way, so, with the permission of his parents, little Haru walked the whole ten steps to Makoto's house. Haru stood at the door contemplating, he nodded resolutely and timidly knocked on the door. Mrs. Tachibana answered."Haruka-chan, I'm so glad you're here, Makoto was just about to head over. He's been worried about you." She smiled and stepped aside, allowing Haru in. As soon as he stepped through the door he was bombarded by two identical toddlers.

"Haru-nii, play with us!" Two identical voices chorused.

"Now, now, Haruka-chan came to see your brother. I'll come play with you instead Ren and Ran." The twins pouted but left with Mrs. Tachibana.

Haru made his way up to Makoto's room and lightly knocked on the door. The door flew open and a hysterical Makoto flung himself at Haru, wrapping him into a tight hug. Haru wasn't very affectionate with anyone, but he made an exception with Makoto. Haru wrapped his arms slowly around Makoto as well.

"Haru-chan, I was so worried. You didn't come right away, I thought you were sick! It's been a whole day since you got back from the doctors!" Haru gave a small smile.

He always acted like he hated attention so people gave him his space but not Makoto, Makoto would shower him in attention and worry about him until he drowned in it, and that's one of the things he loved about him. After Makoto calmed down a bit, both sat on the bed.

"I have to tell you something..." Makoto sat patiently awaiting the rest.

"My hearing," Haru paused again so Makoto nodded to encourage him.

"I won't be able to, what I mean is, I'm going..." Haru stopped, frustrated. Why was this so hard to say? He knew why, but if he said it out loud that would make it true, definitive, wouldn't it? Haru took a deep breath, feeling Makoto's little hand on his shoulder, and finished.

"I'm going deaf. I won't be able to hear anything." He waited with bated breath for Makoto's reaction. Makoto just smiled. "Then we'll just talk without words, right Haru-chan?" Haru smiled back and reached out to grab Makoto's hand. "Yeah."

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