chapter 4

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Haru was 13 when he awoke to the sound of silence.

When Haru opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was the lack of birds singing. Haru was terrified. He took several deep breaths before climbing out of bed. He noticed the time, 12:00 pm. Thankfully it was the weekend so he wouldn't be late for school. Haru knew his life would only be slightly different, he already learned sign language starting the week after learning of his impending deafness, all his friends and family also learned sign language.

There was no fear of miscommunication when most of them had 6 years of experience using sign language. Haru's parents had even hired a personal translator for school. Haru walked into the kitchen. When he looked up his mother was talking but all he could see was her lips moving with no sound, like they were underwater. Haru shook his head.

"It's gone." He signed. His mother looked saddened, shocked, fearful, so many emotions flitted across her face until she composed herself, acting like everything was normal.

"I asked if you would like some breakfast." Haru nodded.

He found being deaf really wasn't that hard, he never really talked that much anyway, and besides if he closed his eyes he could pretend he was underwater. When his father came in the same routine that played out with his mother was done with his father. After breakfast was finished Haru excused himself. He needed to see Makoto and tell him the news. Makoto always deserved to know anything that happened to him directly after his parents. When Haru arrived at the Tachibana's, Makoto answered the door enthusiastically as usual.

"Haru-chan!" Haru looked down, lip slightly quivering.

Makoto lightly took his hands, forcing him to look up.

"It's gone, isn't it?" He signed. Haru merely nodded.

Makoto wrapped his arms around Haru. Makoto was already taller than Haru so when he leaned his head down it rested perfectly against Haru's silky hair. Haru clung to Makoto and broke down. For the first time in his entire life, Haru cried. They stood like that for several minutes Makoto stroking Haru's back and hair while Haru soaked Makoto's shirt. When Haru finally calmed down they walked into the Tachibana's living and played video games for the entire night, the rest of the Tachibana's looked on making Haru feel like he was at his second home. Nothing had changed.

When Haru went back to school the following day he realized he would actually have to pay attention now that he had an interpreter. Rin, Nagisa, Rei, and even Rin's little sister Gou (who preferred to be called Kou) treated him no different and even attempted to talk to him with their clumsy sign language. Makoto interpreted some of the words that were too botched to recognize. Haru smiled internally, grateful to have such great friends.

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