Chapter one: trip and kiss

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Blaise's pov 

 Everyone thinks that scar head (Harry Potter) , Weasel (Ron Weasley) and the mudblood (Hermione Granger) are so perfect, heroic and saintly, it's annoying. To be honest scarhead and the mudblood are not worth it but the weasel man I love winding him up so much. His sapphire blue eyes flash in defiance and his smooth lips entrance me every time he speaks. I've had a crush on him for 7 years, we are in our last year and if I don't tell him this year, I will regret it.

"... Blaise pay attention!" One of my best friends, Draco snapped at me. Pansy, my other bestie snickered. Us three make up the troublesome trio. According to everyone else we are a disgrace to our house but they know nothing about us. We all are gay as well. Pansy is the bad girl with a heart, Draco is the 'mom' of the group, he is a sensitive person underneath his insufferable facade he puts on for show and me, to most people I'm a mystery, I don't pick on pottah or granger. The only person I seem to target is Ron.

In the library...

As I walked into the library,I noticed that their was no one else here then I spotted the weasel trying to reach a book. His beautiful face was frowning in concentration, his little nose scrunched up. Adorable. 

I blushed, thank merlin my complexion is so dark it doesn't show. I walked over and smiled. "Is the weasel too small?" I laughed. He turned around so quickly that he tripped and knocked into me. I caged him in my arms to break his fall. Then we were on the floor, his blue eyes were wide and his sunset orange, wavy hair framed his face. Before I could stop myself, I kissed him lightly on the lips...

TBC Cubs...

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