How it Ended

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It was horrible. It was the worst day of my life. It was a day I never thought would happen. And I'm here to tell you how it did happened. I haven't told anyone about that day. So here I am. Sitting in my room getting ready for Vidcon, many years later, and still thinking about Joey.

We were both 20 years old and had been together since we were 18; seniors in highschool. We were both madly in love with each other and I was going to ask him to marry me. I was waiting at our favorite place to eat, dress as best as I could while still looking semi-casual. I couldn't stop bouncing my legs up and down under the table rapidly I was so nervous. The ring in my pocket was burning a hole in my pants and I'm pretty sure I was sweating a little. I checked my watch and realized that Joey should have been here 30 minutes ago.

That's when I got the phone call. The phone call that broke me. It was a strange man I had never heard my entire life on the other side but it was Joey's called ID.

?-Hello. Is this Joseph's significant other?

Shane- Yes, this Is Shane Dawson. Who is this?

?-This is doctor Perry. I'm sorry to say that Joseph has been in a horrible accident. We are calling from North Bridge hospital. Do you know where it is?

Unfortunately, I was all to familiar with that hospital. I couldn't count how many times I had been into that hospital but that's not the point here. My hospital visits are for another story.

I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could and once I got there I searched for Joey's room. Now of course, I could have asked the front desk about his room placement, but I wasn't thinking straight. All I was thinking about was finding my Joey and making sure he was okay.

Once I found his room, I didn't find an okay Joey. I found a beat up Joey with cuts and bruises with a bandage around his head with blood bleeding through on one side. I held his hand and looked at his poor damaged face. I wanted to cry so badly but I had to be brave for when he woke up.

Unfortunately, he didn't wake up for three days. The hospital called me and I rushed over quick. I ran to Joey's room to see him sitting up and awake in bed. He still had a bandage around his head but it wasn't soaked in blood.

I smiled, happy to see him awake of course, but he didn't seem happy to see me?

Shane- Joey, babe I'm so glad you're okay.

But right after I said that my happiness quickly turned to disappointment and sadness. He looked at me with confusion.

Joey- How did I get here? And...who are you?

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