Chapter 21: Brave

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"Wow! I swear everything tastes better in Spain!" Lexa stated after taking the first bite of her toast with fresh tomato sauce and slices of avocado.

"They really do have great food," Clarke smiled and took a sip of her freshly squeezed orange juice.

They were having breakfast in one of the best vegetarian and vegan cafeterias in Málaga, Desal café, known for their variety of breakfast and brunch food, as well as natural juices. It was located near the famous square Plaza de la Merced and as soon as they finished eating, they walked past Alcazaba, the palatial fortification built in the early 11th century, in the direction of the same beach where they watched the film the night before.

While they were walking through the Paseo del Parque, talking and laughing, Lexa decided it was time to be brave and she finally did what she had been wanting to do all along - she took Clarke's hand.

The blonde was taken by surprise, but she gladly accepted Lexa's advance and gave her a gentle squeeze, to let her know she was more than fine with it.

"How come you decided to dedicate yourself to a medical career instead of a musical one?" Lexa asked, breaking the moment of silence.

"I don't know..." Clarke shrugged. "I guess one of the reasons was because I thought I wasn't good enough to make it in the music industry."

"But you are!" Lexa exclaimed enthusiastically, making Clarke smile.

"You are biased, your opinion doesn't count," she laughed.

"Maybe a little bit," Lexa laughed as well. "But I am a percussionist and I graduated from Newtown High School of the Perfoming Arts... So I know a good artist when I see one, believe me," she winked at Clarke. "In this case, my feelings for you do not cloud my judgement."

"Feelings? She said feelings! Should I... Fuck... Think, Clarke, think! Say something!"

At the same time Lexa realized that she had practically told Clarke that she had feelings for her and was kind of panicking as well, especially when she saw that Clarke wasn't saying anything.

"I know what you mean," Clarke finally started speaking. "It's the same for me... I think you are an incredibly talented actress... Regardless of my feelings for you..."

They glanced at each other and smiled, relieved now that they were sure they were on the same page.

"My brother Aden is a musician as well," Lexa continued the conversation.

"Yes, I remembered you mentioning that in Paris... He's in a jazz band, right?"

"Yes," Lexa was surprised that Clarke remembered. "They're pretty good actually."

"We could listen to their music when we get to the beach," Clarke suggested.

"Sure," Lexa agreed and soon after that, they arrived at the Playa de la Malagueta, where they spent the next couple of hours sunbathing, swimming and enjoying each other's company.

Around 1:30 pm, the sun was high up and a little too hot, especially for Clarke's white skin, so they went to an Indian/Vegan restaurant nearby to have lunch.

By 4 pm they were back at the hotel and were taking a shower together.

Lexa was standing behind Clarke, who was leaning on the bathroom tiles with the palms of her hands, her head tilted backwards, resting on the brunette's shoulder. Her body was all soaped up, being washed by Lexa's elegant hands, paying special attention to her big, round, breasts. Lexa was kissing Clarke's neck, caressing the wet skin on her torso with her fingertips, moving slowly down her abdomen, until she finally reached the zone between her legs, feeling the heat of her soaked pussy.

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