Random writing/announcement

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I have been very... MIA this year and here it is, almost December and my, the year has flown by.. I have a few things to say.

Firstly, how has this made it anywhere on the top 100 list of Randomness? Lolz. Honestly I know exactly why and it is thanks you; every single one of you who have read it. I would like to thank you all I appreciate it very much; gives me hope when this year has been nothing but kind.

Some of you may already know this while others may not but I lost my home back in May, a fire that unfortunately was unpreventable according to the fire department. If it had not happened while we were living there then the next tenant could have been affected. Something wrong with the wiring and our neighbor above us lost absolutely everything in his unit. He was a very kind person from what I gathered from our short conversation and had just moved into the unit about a month prior. This set into motion me and my boyfriend searching for something that would be OURS! Not rented out, our own home.

We found it about five months later and in the process, I decided to go back to school which my employment at the time, did not enjoy. They "offered" to work with me then took back those promises once I got into the semester, making sure to put on the pressure that my job was more important than my education in the eyes of my management team. When I mentioned the hours being increased and how I needed that extra day off they brushed it off.

Within about two weeks of dealing with the crap they gave me and my entire team, I attended multiple open interviews and quit after the house was closed upon. Now I love my current job even if one manager doesn't know my name, I am still much more happier working here than my last job AND they work around school schedules!

The troubles, I wish had ended but of course with every job transition the money was tight cause I didn't get paid until three weeks after I started almost. Follow that up with a car accident where I rear-end this girl at ten to fifteen miles and messed my car up, hers was fine and she wasn't hurt. Then something else goes wrong with the car about a week and half later to where we are currently, sharing one car and even though I didn't have to work today, I am still in the big city because I need the car for other errands I will be running later on today.

My family has helped me.. no us... out a lot during all of these troubles we have faced and I would like to extend a very deep and heartfelt thank you, I know my sister will probably read this to my mother or show her what I have written. Since I am not the best at face to face communication in all honestly, my words are how I prefer to communicate.

See you all soon, I will be active once again by releasing a new chapter hopefully in the next week or so. Thank you.

~ Marie DuBois

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