Top 4 MHA characters I hate

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This is what the title says. I have chosen the top characters I don't like in My Hero Academia. Each one will have my reason why they are listed there. This is my personal opinion, okay?

Number 4: All Might

Yes. Mr Muscles is on this list. Why? Well, when I first started watching the anime I thought All Might was a pretty cool character but as the anime continued my view of him changed. First was his teaching methods. Clearly didn't know what he was doing especially for something as volatile as One For All. This power has caused to break many limbs from the raw power and leaving them in a practically useless state.

Recovery Girl was his only saving grace because she reversed the damage done to him. Damage that lift alone, could practically cripple somebody. He doesn't even suggest extra training for him! The Battle Training was also another example for the battle should have ended before Bakugo even set off that explosion. Hell, he should at least have everyone's costume checked for something as dangerous as that!

He is also a hypocrite. He told Izuku that he couldn't be a hero without a Quirk. Um, you didn't have one either asshole. Yep! He was originally Quirkless! I wouldn't have counted this until MHA vigilante came out. The Vigilante Knuckleduster, who literally thought and survived against a power drugged villain but the kicker was he is Quirkless!!! There is also Aizawa who despite having a Quirk, fights Quirkless. Aizawa's Quirk is Erasure, meaning he can temporarily erase someone's Quirks. But that's it. Merely level's the playing field.

Literally have a powerful vigilante and Hero who fight Quirkless. Finally, keeping dangerous secrets. The battle that had him critically injured is a very important point the first episode showed us. That there was a Villain capable of crippling All Might himself. Seasons later, we are introduced to All For One. This villain that correlates to not only All Might but also All Might's Quirk, One For All.

I won't go into details on how but do know that this villain can be listed as someone dangerous as Frieza from Dragonball Z in his first appearance. To not tell Izuku about him at all considering now that their relationship already puts him in danger of being targeted was enough to put him on this list. You maybe the Symbol of Peace but you are definitely the Number 1 dumbass.

Number 3: Endeavor

Makes his appearance in Number 3. He would have been higher if he debuted earlier in the anime so that's his only saving grace.

This Number 2 Fiery Hero can be categorized as one of the most despicable characters in the series. He always try to take the Number 1 spot from All Might but every attempt leads to failure.

I believe all the severe injuries and property damage can equate to that. Endeavor only cared about capturing and defeating villains instead of saving the lives of others. Almost every battle involving him had high property damage and civilian casualties. He's not easy on the villains considering what you find reading MHA Vigilantes. This man has killed others before with brutal efficiency using his Quirk Hellfire.

However, what got to this spot revolved around his family. He decided that if he couldn't take the number spot then his heir would. So he resulted to Quirk Marriage. Quirk Marriage is basically the purpose of taking two people with powerful Quirks and have them breed to create children with stronger Quirks. In two words, Quirk Marriage is Legalized Rape. It was made forbidden later on due to being inhuman.

He bought Shouto's mother through Quirk Marriage and had the evidence buried with the help of his lawyers. He had multiple children with this woman and every one who didn't have what he was looking for is practically used as a bargaining chip to their own mother. Once Shouto is born is where things went to hell.

He was practically abused to make his Quirk stronger just for the purpose of surpassing All Might. Not only did his mother suffer abuse but now did Shouto and his siblings. Todoroki Rei, his mother, took so much abuse from Endeavor that she burned her own son because he looked like his father. Endeavor has her sent into a mental institute and continued with this abuse.

This bastard had gotten away with what was equates to basically rape, forced pregnancy, abuse(both mental and physical), child abuse and murder. Hell has a spot for you, number 2

2. Mineta Minoru

Grape Bitch is only in the number 2 spot for the same reason as Endeavor being show appearance.

This little shit is here for two words: Lust and Females. Mineta is a Hero Student in training with the Quirk Pop Off being the sticky balls that make up his hair.

Mineta has been seen throughout the anime sexually harrassing female characters. Grabbing their boobs, palming their butts, latching himself onto them and even trying to become class president just to have the girls expose more of their bodies to him.

You would think Kaminari should br on this list but he's not. Sure he's a pervert but respects women more than Mineta. You don't see him inappropriately touching other girls unlike the purple midget. Mineta even went so far to tell an 8 year old girl to wait for him in ten years. An 8 year old child. And trying to peek on the girls at the hotsprings in front of a little kid. Disgusting. I wonder what else this asshole is doing behind the scenes.

Have your ammunition at the ready. If he is in your line of fire, then don't hesitate to ruin this bastard.

Number 1: Katsuki Bakugo

Bakabitch is number one on this list. Hero Student and holder of the Quirk Explosion. His first appearance alone in the anime's prologue already showed that I wasn't going to like him. Large ego and inferior complex, Bakugo has assaulted many of his classmates and others throughout hos childhood years.

He considers everyone around as inferior to him that he doesn't even use their names just call them Extras. To those he despises get much worse treatment. He used to be Izuku's childhood friend until he got his Quirk and Izuku didn't. From then, he started treating him like trash and going as far as using his Quirk on him and calling Izuku 'Deku' which means wooden puppet or useless.

Over time, his abuse combined with predjudice from everyone else has Izuku so nervous and scared that mere attention is embarrassing or horrifying to him. Then Bakugo suicide baited him by telling Izuku that if he wanted a Quirk than he should do a swan dive off the roof and be born with one in the next life.

All this abuse was because he thought Izuku was looking down on him. The boy who just wanted to people and was his friend had become a threat because of his pride. Going to the point he nearly kills Izuku during battle training. If Izuku didn't have something to encounter the explosion or even dodge then he would've been dead.

I don't care that he has such potential to be a good character or hero. That isn't something I would tolerate. To hurt someone so badly for a reason that stupid even if they were your best friend isn't right. He ain't no hero. No he truly is a villain.

Until next time folks.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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