part 4

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They all smile and walk down the stairs behind her..
   As soon as they're down the stairs Luna grabs Rose's shoulder and points to the ring. 
   "Look behind the ring. See him?"
  A ref walks into the ring and speaks into a mic. "The first one's in the ring are going to be. . .blue devil and Blood."
   Luna and Daiz curse at the same time.
    Rose tilts her head. "What's wrong?"
"Being first is the last thing you want."
    "Alright but why'd y'all curse?"
"We use code names."
        Luna walks to the ring. The ref starts talking to Blood and Blue devil, Aaron.
    "Why isn't Luna's tail out?"
   "To prevent wounds there."
  The ref speaks into the mic. "Lads and lasses. This is a special fight.....weapons are allowed."
    Rose looks at Xerxes, "that's bad right?"
   Xerxes smirks, "always."
      Blue devil leans over the wires and takes a fire axe from the audience. Someone grabs Blood's ankle and hands her a short sword.
    Blue devil turns around and faces Blood and tries to swing at her with the axe. She quickly ducks and hits him in the leg with the sword. Blue devil groans and hits her in the thigh with the axe.
     Blood winces and gets behind Blue devil and slashes his forearm, making him drop the weapon. He turns around and grabs the sword by the blade and shoves back making the handle hit Blood's gut. Blue devil picks up the axe and hits Blood on the side of the head.
    As the blood runs into her eyes she gets up and grabs the axe out of his hands and throws it into the crowd along with the sword then gets behind Blue devil and wraps her arms around his neck and slings him onto the ring floor. She puts her knee on his chest and puts a hand around his throat.
   The ref quickly runs in and grabs Luna's shoulder. Luna looks up and lets go of Aaron. She then gets up and walks out the ring to the other three.
    Daiz forces her to sit down. "Let me cover you wounds."

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