Chapter 32

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"Maddy there is paparazzi at the door so don't answer it ok!"

"Ok."Maddy replied to go see were Chandler was.

Maddy was suddenly yanked into a room when she was walking down the hall. She immediately thought Chandler. Chandler started to kiss Maddy on the lips.

Chandlers POV

When I was kissing Maddy I felt April kick!(They decided to name the baby April). It was weird but at the same time I was so happy.

Maddy's POV

April kicked when I was kissing Chandler. He got more passionate after that.
Chandler and Maddy continued to make out until there was a huge crash from the door being broke down but Chandler didn't care and neither did Maddy they just kept kissing until they got into the room Maddy and Chandler were in they started to take pictures.

"Stop taking pictures!"Chandler yelled

The paparazzi kept taking pictures of Maddy(because she now had a little baby bump). They were asking her questions like "Are you pregnant with Chandler's baby?"or "Are you and Chandler going to get married"but Maddy didn't answer any of the questions instead she picked up her purse and started nocking cameras out of each paparazzi's hand and phones out of the fangirls hands while screaming.

"If all of you don't leave I will call Norman and tell him to bring Andrew then I will call the police!!!!!"

After Chandler said that they still took pictures so he got out his phone and texted


(N=Norman C=Chandler)

C-Norman come now a whole bunch of Fangirls and paparazzi broke down the door and are now takin pictures of me and Maddy!

N-I will come now and Andrew is coming to!

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