The Science Experiment

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I can't believe my science project is due in two weeks! I was hanging out with my friends in the park when my crush Zach came up to me and asked me what I was doing for my science experiment. I didn't know what to say, because I haven't even brainstormed an idea for my science experiment let alone done it. I tried to be all like I don't like you at all, but I couldn't help smiling at him I mean who wouldn't. Zach is my boy best friend, he isn't a dork like me, but he is my perfect guy. I teased him and said to him, "It's a surprise!" Zach smiled though he really wanted to know. Zach frowned and said, "ok" and walked off with his friends Caden and Jack. I couldn't help, but start blushing at my friends MiKayla and Amy. MiKayla said to me right after, "I can't see how you all aren't dating! You two would be so cute together!" Amy nodded her head and said, "Yes!" Amy then asked, " Stella, what are you doing for your science project, you are the smartest in our group." I immediately remembered and thought to myself, I haven't started it!! What am I going to do! My thoughts were everywhere I mean what am I supposed to say I haven't started it yet. I made up an excuse and just said, "My mom just texted me that she needed me home, so I better get going." Amy and MiKayla said at the same, "Ok, bye." I ran to get my bike and went home. When I got home my mom looked at me and said, "Your home so soon, is everything alright?" I didn't have time to think I have to start my science experiment. I thought to myself, Of course I'm not okay I have something due in two weeks that I haven't even started! That didn't come out of my mouth though, all that came out of my mouth was, "I'm fine." I ran outside to my "lab" and then I had an idea. I love to do chemical substances and experimenting with them. So why don't I just do that for my experiment? I should probably text my teacher Mr.M first though. I just started to type when my hand started shaking. How could I be this nervous to text my science teacher? I finished typing the email and hit send. Five minutes later I got a reply to my email... it was Mr.M! He said I was more than welcome to do this experiment, but he said to make sure it doesn't backfire or else it could be dangerous. My experiment won't backfire I mean I am a very experienced scientist. I got all my chemicals together and my materials, my heart pounding because what if this experiment does backfire. Backfire just kept repeating in my head over and over again it was as if that was my nightmare. I put all the chemicals in the beaker and put a heat source under the beaker. Some type of steam that was unfamiliar to me started to happen. I felt my eyes getting heavier it was as if I just got a shot making me go to sleep. I woke up at eight in the morning to being yelled at by sister Layla. She told me that I had been knocked out by something. I said to her, "What are you doing here and your hair." Layla looked at me and said, "What do you mean I like my hair like this." I replied "I mean cool shirt." Layla just walked away annoyed. "What is going on?
Wait why did I just say that aloud? What is going on this is my thoughts not my words. Aaaaaa!!!" "What am I going to do, I am saying everything I am thinking." I paced in my bedroom, and started to get dressed for the day. "Good thing it is Sunday." "Aaa!"  I walked downstairs and my mom said, "Good morning!" I nodded. I like to be quiet, but not for a reason like saying everything coming to my mind. Maybe I could pretend I'm sick tomorrow so I don't have to go to school tomorrow so I don't have to talk to anyone tomorrow especially Zach. "What if I tell him I like him?" I mumbled to myself. My sister looked up at me with her eye brow raised. I ate my breakfast very quickly and went back up to my room. You'd think that since my genes are very social that I would be social too, but I am very shy. I'm lucky I can even say a word to Zach everyday let alone have his number. I wondered what I would do to make me  be quiet and not think about a lot of things. I started to think of things, but of course it didn't stay in my head it came out into the open. "I could watch
YouTube, draw, sleep, or do my project..." I tried to stop myself from talking so I grabbed my phone. I had a new message in my phone and it wasn't from anybody, it was from my crush Zach! The text read:


Hey I'm kinda stuck on doing my project can you come meet me at the ice cream store on Nova Road, at 2 o'clock and help me with it?

"Oh my gosh, Zach wants to meet up with me at the ice cream store! What should I say?" My leg was shaking I'm so nervous right now. I can't be stressing over this so I just thought, correction said whatever came to my head which ended up being:

Me: (To Zach)

Of course I'll be there, see you soon:)

"Wait... NO NO NO!!! I could tell him that I like him or worse embarrass myself in front of my crush." It is 11:30  right now and I am still freaking out in my room saying everything I can think of. I brought out my sketch book and started doodling, because that is one of the only things that calms me down. I started drawing a swing with a girl on it and a garden in the background. By the time I finished the drawing with some breaks of checking my phone. Zach responded to me and all he said was:


Sounds good:)

I'm not responding to that message. I checked my phone one last time, I had 7 Instagram notifications and 23 Snapchat notifications, but there was one thing that caught my eye it was 1:00!! I had to start getting ready. I zoomed down stairs to the laundry room. Luckily my ripped jeans were there and a cute halter top. I put my very long hair in a messy bun and made sure it looked okay. By the time I finished that it was 1:45. My thoughts (words) were everywhere and now I was about to confront my crush when I say everything that comes to my mind. I told my mom I was heading out and would be back in little bit. She just nodded and I smiled. I said to myself maybe I should ride my dirt bike there, I decided to do that. I put on my black helmet and rode to the ice cream store. I got there and went inside, Zach was sitting at a small table. I picked my self up and walked toward him. He looked up and smiled and I did too...

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