My love, Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxclmnckssqlbb11116

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My love,

how I wish to tap that every night. Your beautiful short green hair. The porcelain skin that dolls couldn't compare to. That booty that puts Aoba's to shame. Your innocent blue eyes that shimmer like a lake. But what is most amazing about you is your name, Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxclmnckssqlbb11116. It gives me chills that no one else could give. I still doodle your name on my arm whenever I think of you.

Oh how I miss you Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxclmnckssqlbb11116. To embrace your small frame and to sniff your watermelon hair secretly. The look you give me when you try to get me to notice you, I do notice you. I just play hard to get because I find it adorable when you try. I wrote a poem for you Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxclmnckssqlbb11116.

Roses are red,

Your hair is greener

I think about you when I touch my Weiner.

That one was a joke. (But seriously I do jack to you *wink wonk*)

Here is the real poem.

When I fell in love with you,

it made a wreck of me.

I feel so dazed and dizzy

that it's hard for me to see.

I get too hot and sweat a lot.

I hardly eat a bite.

My pulse beats like a kettle drum

and keeps me up at night.

My stomach hurts and I go down

as if I've got the bends.

Love's causing me sweet misery--

I hope it never ends!

I love you Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxclmnckssqlbb11116 and I know you can't see me but will you marry me? If you say yes open your closet for your surprise if you say no then it will be my demise.




You pick! :3

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