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"See me.... clearly?"

But then his eyes lose life, and I gasp as I reach forward to steady his swaying figure. My frozen fingers go even colder when I realize he's fallen unconscious.


But the voice that shouts his name isn't mine, and my eyes grow wide in surprise when a man with ashen silver hair appears from the far side of the forest.

Head Park Jimin.

"How did—"

"Lyr! Jungkook! Right here!"

Not even moments pass after his call, two familiar figures show up breathless from behind the tangle of trees. The relief that crashes through me when I see them is unbelievable— and tears sting my eyes when I see who it is.

"Leah! You okay?"

Lyr reaches me first, her eyes worried as she wipes off the red on my face. Trying to push down my tears, I nod and point to Taehyung.

He's completely unconscious now, his figure slack against Master Jungkook's back. There's faint red shading the side of his cheek, pulling at his lips.

"He'll be fine." Lyr says soothingly, trying to help me up from the snow. "Taehyung won't die from something like that. Didn't you see him at the last Arena Battle?"

"How did you know...?"

"Little girl." She smiles, and I immediately think of the small girl— her basket now smashed in half in the snow.


I can feel her surprised gaze on me when I slowly break from her grip and pick up the broken basket with numb hands. I'm thankful she doesn't say anything, but someone else does.

"You... can't fix it, you know."

"Hyung, stop talking." Master scolds, his eyes lingering on the blood still dripping from his shoulder. "You're just going to hurt yourself even more."

"It hurts already." He mumbles, and guilt pulls at my heart. It was true that if it hadn't been for me, he wouldn't have blood pouring out of himself, neither would he have to be supported by Master.

"I'm taking you to your Palace, hyung."

"Hold on."


Only when the blood flow stops and color slowly fills his cheeks does Head Jimin and Master Jungkook leave, with Lyr practically having to shove them off of Taehyung's bedside.

"Gosh, he's not ever going to get up if you two lean over him like that." Lyr hisses, giving me a warm smile and a wave as she finally kicks them out the door— claiming they were doing more harm than good.

When the door closes behind them, his eyes instantly blink open.

"Were you pretending?" I say in disbelief as his eyes flicker over to the door. "Do you know how much Master Jungkook and—"

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