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"Are you still working?!" I say, a bit too loudly as I see the steady beam of light that I'd seen hours ago streaming from his study.


When I poke my head into the doorway, I see him sleeping peacefully on his desk. He'd fallen asleep on a pile of papers, the pen still clutched loosely in his hands.

The tattoos are clear now with his sleeves rolled up, his pale face gleaming golden in the soft lamplight he has on his desk. I sigh inwardly when I see dark shadows under his deep eyes, his hair messed back forcefully.

"You're going to get neck pain, geez..." I mumble quietly as I approach him, shaking him to get him to go sleep on his bed. When I glance at it, it doesn't seem like it has been slept in for days.

"Tae, come on." I whisper, hushing my voice as I notice the open door. "Go sleep in your bed."

I end up having to shake and poke at him for a full minute before he finally stirs, eyes weighed down by exhaustion as he looks up at me in surprise.


"I thought you were dead." I say, slinging his arm around my shoulder to get him up. "You need to go to sleep. I'm locking the door, so you can just sleep all you want for like two days, okay? You look like you need it."

Then his dazed eyes go wide, and he quickly rubs at his face before turning back to the papers.

"I fell asleep?" He says, cursing softly under his breath as I chew on my lip in frustration. "Dammit.... I have to finish this by tomorrow."

When he picks up his fallen pen, I suppress the urge to clock him on the head with the thick roll of even more papers strewn carelessly on his desk.


"Are you kidding me?"

"What.....?" He asks, his voice fading away when he notices my furious eyes, taking in my tightly crossed arms.

"You're Head. Stop doing this to yourself— you've been working for the last twelve hours or something. I'm going to rip up those papers if you don't want to go to bed right now."

"I'm not a child."

"Well, you're acting like one." I hiss, pointing at his shoulder. "What you need is sleep, and you should know that best. You can't take care of yourself— you only know how to take care of other people."

"I know my limits." He says stiffly, and I nearly explode on the spot. It was like being back to square one.

But knowing that yelling and doing what I really wanted to do was just going to get him more determined, I harden my expression and sit cross legged on his bed.

"Fine. I'll stay awake until you finish working."

"Leah—" The look of frustration is now clear on his face as well as he turns back, eyes narrowed with annoyance. "Why are you like this? It's three in the morning— go to sleep or you'll regret it tomorrow."

"Then stop working."

He gives me a long look.

"You're petty as hell, Sin Leah."

"Got that right." I huff, watching him scowl for a long second before turning back to his papers. My eyes widen in disbelief— was he actually serious?

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