This Is The Last Chapter. I'm Sorry

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For once, Hunter knocked quietly on the cast's rooms.

"I need everyone to the screen room" Everyone came. 

"Why do you look sad?" Thomas asked.

It was true. Hunter seemed on the verge of tears.

"I-I-" Hunter coughed. "I'm sorry..."

The cast all looked surprised. Usually she was full of such energy.

"For what?" Eliza asked.

"You all have to go back to your time..." Hunter croaked. Everyone cheered.

"Finnally! We can leave!"

The Schuyler sisters jumped up and down. The Hamil-squad high-fived. James and Burr both smiled. Thomas laughed. Philip hugged Theo, and Theo hugged her mother. Charles snorted. Samuel gave a small smile. Both Georges just stood there. Maria laughed loudly.

Everyone stopped though, hearing a small sob.

Hunter was crying. That's a first.

"O-Oh..." ALex muttered.

"I'm fine!" Hunter  reassured, seeing them stare. "Just... I'll miss you..."

They all shared the same remorce. Even though Hunter was a crazy, rock throwing, screaching, odd sort of girl, they would miss her aswell.

"Aw!" The schuylers all ran foward, hugging Hunter.

The rest of the cast did so too. First Laf, then Washington, and so on. The King was the last one to do so.

"Come on!" They all urged.


"Please?" Hunter begged.



Everyone let go after five minuets.

"Ready?" Hunter asked. They all nodded. "Alright!"

She opened a portal. 

Just before the cast left, Hunter yelled:

"WAIT!" Everyone stopped, Thomas about to go through. "I have to erase your memories..."

"WHAT?" Was screamed by them all, exept Hunter.

"I'm sorry, but I can't mess up time. It's the rules."

After a long, long time, they all nodded.

Hunter snapped her fingers, leaving the cast unconscious, and memories of them with Hunter were forgotton.

Hunter shoved them all through the portal, transporting them back to where she had gotten them.

"Well..." She looked around. "This is weird."

Shaking her head, she made another portal, back to her own dimension.

"Bye!" Hunter yelled to no one but herself.

Walking through, she let a tear slip down her face, and a small smile spread across her face. 

This was fun, but everything come to an end.

And with end, comes with greater beginings...


This is the last time you'll be hearing from Hunter, unless I make another one of these books that is!

But, back to the point, I just wish to say I'm sorry. The books over with. I lost motivation. I wanted to continue this, but I was tired.

This was so much fun! And so where you all.

Everyone that managed to make it this far, thank you. You helped so, so much. I truly love you all. Thank you so much.

You're all great, don't forget, allright?

And for good measure: Thank You! I Love You All With The Bottom Of My Heart.

Bye Loves (For The Last Time),


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