Year 1: I

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Hi! My name is Roxanne and I live with my mom and dad in Godrics Hallow in a nice humble house not like those mansions you would see in a pureblood family. This is the house more exactly.

Pretty isn't it? Well I am the only child I am really in need of some kids company

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Pretty isn't it? Well I am the only child I am really in need of some kids company. But, because I don't go to school, at least for now, I don't have many human company except from my mother and father. Actually, that is not quite true, I kinda became friends with our neighbours' son, but my parents hate them so our friendship is a bit of a secret.

You might wonder who our neighbours are, well they are the Malfoys.(I know that they don't live there, but now they are) Yeah I know they are not the best company, but their son is acceptable, we don't agree about all the things, but I think it is ok for now. But don't feel sorry for me because of this secret friendship, because my parents are almost always at work at the ministry and so are Draco's parents, so we hang out quite often and when my parents are home I spend my time with Dinky our house elf.(if Draco would know this he would be so mad, but I don't really care, because I do what I want, so if he won't be my friend anymore after he finds out I will be ok)

Today is a special day, it is the day every 11 year old wizard is waiting for their entire life, it is the day the hogwarts letters arrive. I know I will receive one because I showed signs of magic long ago but I am still exited...

"Roxanne darling come down here!" this is my mom calling me, see she is a Quidditch Correspondent, she was a professional Quidditch player, but when l was born she decided it would be better if she quit so she will be more in the country with me and dad. Talking about my dad he is the head auror, but is a quidditch fan, they actually were both on the quidditch gryffindor team in their school years.

"Roxanne I said come downstairs!"

Oh fuck I got lost in thoughts.
"I am coming mom."
"So what is it?" I know it is my letter but I want to give her the satisfaction.
"It is your letter dear!"
"Congrats my girl!"
"Thank you dad! Ok give it to my and let's see what we have to buy."

Dear Mrs. Roxanne The living room, house number 6 in godric hallow...

"OMG I am going to Hogwarts!!! I wonder in what house I will be?!" "Roxanne you will be for sure in gryffindor believe us

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"OMG I am going to Hogwarts!!! I wonder in what house I will be?!"
"Roxanne you will be for sure in gryffindor believe us."
"But I don't believe I am brave enough to be there. Of course I would love to be in gryffindor like you, but I don't even know how I am your daughter, I am not courageous like you nor I can speak up like you."
"Enough of that you don't know what you are capable of. Tomorrow we will go to Diagon Alley to buy all of the supplies." The day went pretty good, but when the night fell the worries started raising in me, what if I don't end up in gryffindor?

Please consider continuing reading this even if these first chapters are bad and kinda childish, because I couldn't make Roxanne already think like a teenager, she's 11 after all.

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