Year 5: I

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The sky was dark, at least for me. Everything seems dark since what happened. I haven't got out of my room since I arrived home. I went only to the bathroom or to get my food from the kitchen if my parents didn't want to bring it to me.

I haven't cried since when I was at Hogwarts and I promised myself that I will never do it again because I still think about it as a sign of weakness.

I have received lots of letters from Ron and Hermione and also Harry, but I just didn't have the energy to respond to them.

My parents would never leave me alone, because of what happened, but they would never be both at home, they were leaving and would come back late at night and neither of them would tell me where they were going.

I haven't been out under the sun since I came out of the Hogwarts express, even if I wanted to go out I wouldn't be allowed. The only clear air comes from my window. Because of this my skin tone became much more lighter and it was already really light.

If you're not looking at me closely you could think I am a ghost, I was scared by my reflection in the mirror the first time I noticed.

There were nights when I couldn't sleep, the only time I slept was when I really couldn't take anymore of that tiredness, I think this is my way of punishing myself for what happened.

My parents stopped trying saying to me that it is not my fault, they might think these things I have to do alone and they are right, no one can change my mind only I can but I don't want to.

The only thing good that happened is that I have already read all my school books and reviewed all my subjects since first year so I will be prepared for my O.W.Ls. This is an excuse I found so I will not say I try to forget what happened by doing school work.

I am looking outside my window and all the bright colors that nature has annoys me. But I see something else, the Malfoys are moving. Of course they are, they wouldn't want to have tea with Voldy knowing that the head auror is right near them.

Logan came to help them too, I think mostly to hang out with Draco because all the work is done by some random hired guy, since they don't have anymore a house elf.

If Logan is here maybe Lily is here too. I haven't heard from her since the school finished. She is the only one that haven't sent me a letter, I think she isn't allowed or doesn't want her parents to know that she is friends with a blood traitor and a gryffindor.

If those death eaters would know that their daughter is the friend of ones of the people they are fighting I don't know what their reaction might be and I think I don't want to know.

The curiosity got me, as always, and now I am thinking how to get out of the house and what will I say when I will be near that snake's house.

Oh how good it would be if I would have had Harry's invisibility cloak.

I will go out silently by the back door. And surprisingly I succeed, but I have to be again at home quickly so my mom will notice.

Now the next step is to see what I will say. I wait near a fence hidden to see when Logan is alone and maybe Lily if she is truly there. And the moment came.

I sprinted to Logan because a better opportunity will never come. As I was running he must have heard me because he turned around and now his face was now facing me.

I literally froze, I haven't been in a presence of a human besides my parents for almost three months, I couldn't form words. But in the end something came out from my mouth.

"Hi!" He was looking at me like he was seeing a ghost.

"Hello!" He finally said.

"I came to ask if there is any chance that Lily is here with you."

"No, she is at home, but where did you come from?"
"I live in the next to house."
"Now I understand why they are moving, oh sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"Oh look who is here! The girl who lies." Malfoy said, but what does he mean by that.

"With what have I lied?"
"You haven't seen the daily prophet? Of course not, I bet your parents didn't show it to you, like they didn't let you out of the house. So what are you doing here, have you sneaked out?"
"No, I haven't sneaked out and I am allowed to go out." I lied.

"See the girl who lies. Here you can have my newspaper since it seems like you have no idea of what I am talking about."

I got the newspaper and left furious without even saying goodbye to Logan, he just stood there not saying a word, but what should I have expected.

As I was going to my house, not trying again to sneak in, I was reading the prophet. "Dumbledore is dangerous , Harry Potter and Roxanne Goldstine the boy and the girl who lies." What is with all this rubbish.

I just couldn't take it anymore I wanted to scream, how could my parents not tell me about this.

"Roxanne where have you been?" My mother said madly but as she saw what was in my hand she went white.

"When were you planning to mention what is saying here?" I asked.
"Let's go inside."

Just as we were entering the house my father came suspiciously early from work, my mom must have sent him a message somehow.

"So why is the prophet saying all this nonsense about me, Harry and Dumbledore. And why didn't you tell me about this before. And why are you coming so late from work and why do I have to stay always inside and also with one of you as my guardian?!"

"We are staying with you because we have to protect you and this is why you have to stay inside too. " mom said.

"Protect me from what and also again why are you coming so late?"

"We have been busy at work and because Voldemort is back." Dad said.

"LIES!" I yelled annoyed.

After this the looked at each other like they were communicating telepathic and it seems like they agreed on something.

"Pack your stuff we are going somewhere. But before you go why did you go to the Malfoy's?" I am so fucked up.

"I wanted to see if a friend from school was there because her brother was there."
"There were only two boys the Malfoy one and Davery and I certainly know that only the Davery's have a daughter." Mom said like a know it all.

"Well yes you are right. But she is not like the others."
"No buts you can't hang out with the daughter of a deatheater. And this is the end now go and pack." Dad said.

I packed my things all angry because they won't tell me the whole truth and because they don't trust my judgment. After I finished I went downstairs.

"Roxi take my hand." My mom said as we began to apparate. And we arrived in front of a flat.

"What is this? Where are we?" I asked.
"This is grimmauld place number 12."

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