Year 4: VIII

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I was walking in the castle by my own evaluating the ball night. I can't believe that Cedric tried to kiss me and he let me be with my friends instead, he really does get me.

On the other hand, what was in Davery's head to go with that brainless purist slyterin girl. But what do I care it is not like we have something, we are not even friends.

The castle is so beautiful, and the place where it is located it is as well gorgeous. I have always loved the paintings on the walls, but I never talked to them I like just admiring them. My favorite one is of course the one with Godric Griffindor, he seems so confident, so imposing, so brave, yet humble. You can tell that only looking in his eyes, that brown color emanates kindness.

I hope I will be like that one day, when people will look at me they will see courage, from day one I tried to fake it I think I fooled the people with small minds, but not those ones I want to impress, I want the geniuses to look up at me and they will only be fooled by real bravery which maybe will never come in my case.

"Hey Roxi!" Cedric interrupt my deep thinking.
"I wanted to ask you something. Professor Moody gave me a hint with the golden egg, he said I should take it with me in the prefects bathroom, but nothing happened, I asked all my friends and they didn't figure it out. So I thought I should I ask you, because you seem like a smart person."

Hmm to take it with him in the bathroom... And then it clicked, the horrible sound that the egg was making and I didn't know where I heard it from, it was the sound that mermaids make when they are not in water. So if you want to hear what they are really saying, you must put it under water. Oh that's it!

"I do not only seem like a smart person, I really am. And as a matter of fact I really know how to unravel the riddle. Just come with me."

He didn't have the chance to answer because I dragged him immediately to the bathroom. When we arrived I was just about to get in , but when I looked at Cedric he was all flushed and then I realized it we can't go both of us in there it might look bad.

"So... um just go there and put the egg in water." I said.
"Yeah ok."

I waited and waited and nothing. I was getting kinda frustrated what is he doing there for so long?! I decided to go in myself.

"What is taking you so long? What did it say? Oh fuck, sorry I should have knocked." He was completely naked, good he was half in water so I didn't see much.

I levitated to him a towel and turned around.

"I am really sorry."I said.
"It's ok. I was just trying to figure out what the egg was saying." He said, but he had as well a faint blush on his cheeks as me.

"Why, what did it say?"
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

"I understand, but it is a slightly problem, you will have to stay underwater for an hour." I said.
"What why?"
"The scream that you hear from the golden egg are the voices of mermaids that are above the water and we put the egg into the water so their voices will be understandable."

"Ohh, so I have to look what they will take from me in water, but what water? Oh the black lake there are mere people ." He said.
"Ding ding ding smart boy."

"Thank you so much, for the breathing underwater I will take care myself. And thank you again."
"No problem."

I was already leaving when he said.
"Would you like to go with me to the next Hogsmeade trip, like a date?"
"Sure, when will that be."
"Right after the second task."
"Ok see you there. And Cedric please tell Harry about the egg too. I am sure he has no idea."
"Of course I will tell him, he warned me about the dragon too."

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