≫ Voting:

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okay, This chapter is Explaining all about Voting.


1. Public Voting is for Ranks open to everyone [BACK UP ACCOUNTS ARE NOT ALLOWED] Its based off comments During the Ranking selection 

How to vote

Public voting is based on ⇅ (up and down) Comments you may vote 5-time per Trainee These votes equal up to 500 Each. 

2. Private voting is only for the Trainee on the show  Each Trainee Vote is a total of 5k. These Votes are for Elimination redemption 

How to vote

For private voting, There will be  google Forms Link posted after every Five eliminations the Five trainees who where Eliminated names will be listed you will choose who you wish to come back, ONLY TRAINEES can vote

3. On-Site voting   Now This is the confusing one This is for challenges, and Challenges only. These affect your Placement As a Team, not your Rank. However, Dropping Placements too many times can affect your Rank. This votes will count for 10k

How to vote

This will almost be a google form However it will be listed under the Team Names. These will need to be done within 48 hours after the challenge has been updated. This is for EVERYONE TO VOTE

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