The Store

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K- Kevin

*Leon wakes up and notices Charlie isn't there*
* Leon gets up and walks into the kitchen *
* Leon Jumps*
C: I made you breakfast
L: yummm
* Leon goes over and sits down at the table *
* Charlie walks over and sets the plate in front of Leon *
* Charlie then grabs himself a plate and sits down next to Leon*
* Leon and Charlie begins eating*
* 10 minutes later *
* Leon gets up and puts his plate in the dishwasher *
* Leon walks into Charlies room*
* Leon grabs his shorts and shirt and puts them on*
* Charlie walks into his room and puts on ripped skinny jeans and a oversized shirt *
C: Wanna go to the store I need some more Macaroni and sauce so I can make some Spaghetti
L: sure
* They get in Charlies car and drive to the store*
* 15 minutes later *
* They show up at the store and go inside *
* They start walking *
C: Im gonna go use the bathroom see if you can see if you can find Classico Tomato & Basil Sauce in the 26 Ounce bottle.
* Charlie starts walking to the bathroom*
* Leon walks over into the Sauce and spice aisle and begins looking for the sauce.*
* Leon Bends down the look on the bottom shelf *
* He sees out of the Conor of his eye a man looking at his butt *
* Leon Stands up and turns around *
L: Can I help you
K: I was gonna ask you the same thing is there anything I can help you look for
L: Actually have you seen the Classico Tomato & Basil Sauce
K: I have I got some in the back follow me
* They begin walking toward the bathroom area *
* The guy turns around and grabs Leon by the arm and covers his mouth and walks into the bathroom *
* Leon begins trying to kick him*
* He pulls out a knife and holds it at his neck *
K: Stop Now Ill do it
* Leon nods his head*
* The guy pulls out tape and tapes Leon's mouth closed and then tapes his arms together *
* The guy then Pulls Leon's shorts down and starts eating Leons butt*
*The guy then pulls his pants down and underwear exposing his 7 inch dick *
* The guy takes Leon's tape off his mouth *
* He turns Leon around and pushes him in a stall and on the toilet *
* He shoves his dick in leons mouth *
* Leon Makes a moaning noise *
* Charlie in the next stall over gets on the toilet and looks into the other stall seeing Leon Crying and sucking on the guys dick *
* Charlie gets off the toilet unlocks his stall opens the stall that Leon is in and puts the guy in a choke hold and leans backward and falls down *
* Leon Stands up and kicks the guy in the face and jumps onto his dick *
* Leon grabs his shorts and puts them back on *
* The guy is Gasping for air *
K: st-st-stop I'm Kev--in
* Charlie stops and stands up *
C: well Kevin you can stay the fuck away from me and him on Or I swear to God I will call the police and have you arrested for Sexual Interactions with a Minor
K: sorry
* Leon and Charlie walks out of the bathroom and Charlie walks over to the Spice and sauce aisle and Kisses Leon *
C: I won't ever leave you again like that
L: it's not your fault
* Charlie grabs the sauce and walks to the noodle section and grabs spaghetti noodles and walks to the checkout *
* Charlie pays and they go out to the car *
C: so what happened how did that end up where it did
L: I was looking for the sauce and noticed he was looking at my butt I got up and said can I help you but then he said I was gonna ask you the same thing can I help you look for anything and me thinking that he worked there I said yeah can you help me find the Classico Tomato & Basil Sauce he said he had some in the back and so I followed him and he grabbed my arm and mouth and pulled me into the bathroom and into a stall and did everything from there he put tape on my m0uth up to the point ok for him wanting me to suck his dick. It's not your fault I should've not said what I said to him I just wanted to find the sauce for you .
C: Ok calm down your fine I will not ever let that happen to you again .
* They drive back to Charlies house and get out and walk up to the door *
*Charlie unlocks the door and they walk in and gows into the kitchen *
* Charlie unpacks the bag and starts the stove *
* He grabs the noodles and puts them into a big pot of water and puts them on the stove *
*Charlie takes his pants off and goes up behind Leon and pulls his shorts down *
* Leon turns and starts sucking on Charlies dick *
*Charlie let's out moan *
* Leon speeds up*
* Charlie moans loudly*
* Leon stops and turns around and leans onto the kitchen counter *
* Charlie lines his dick up and pushes it in slowly *
* Leon let's out moan *
L: Faster CharChar
* Charlie begins to speed up and goes harder *
* 10 minutes begin to pass *
* Charlie pulls out and turns Leon around and puts it back into his mouth *
* Charlie then cums in his mouth *
* Leon swollowed his cum *
* Charlie pulls out and turns around and shook his noodles *
* Charlie puts the noodles into a  strainer and puts it in the sink *
* Charlie grabs two bowls from the cabinet*
* He puts some spaghetti noodles in both of them and then poured some of the Spaghetti sauce on top*
* He grabs two forks and then walks over to the table and sets the bowls and forks on it *
* They eat *
* 5 Minutes later*
*Leon grabs his and Charlies bowl and fork and walks over to the dishwasher and puts them in it*

* They take off there shirts and walk into the bedroom and laydown and fall asleep*

The End of Part 10 "The Store"
Next Update One Day { If it comes out late it's due to school }

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