Drivers Test

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* Leon and Charlie wakes up*
L: hey can we stop at my house today to get more clothes
C: Sure
* They get up and go into the restroom *
* Leon turns on the water and hops into the shower *
* Charlie gets in to the shower soon after *
* 10 minutes pass*
* They get out Leon puts on his shorts and Charlie puts on jeans and a oversized t-shirt*
* They go out to Charlies car and drives to Leon's house *
* Leon gets out and runs up and unlocks the door *
* He runs upstairs and grabs 3 pairs of shorts 3 pairs of jeans, 6 shirts, 2 pairs of boxers, 6 pairs of socks and a pair of Vans *
* Leon runs back down stairs and locks the front door *
* He runs to Charlies car and puts them in the back seat *
L: let's go and take my licence test
C: are you ready
L: yeah it has to be easy
* They drive to the DMV and Leon and Charlie hops out they walk in and Leon walks up to the counter and talks to the lady *
* The lady points to a door and Leon walks in Teacher: You hear to take your test
L: Yeah
Teacher alright your in Booth 2 no electronic devices and no notes
L: Alright thank you
Teacher: Wiah you luck
* Leon walks in to Booth 2 and begins the test*
* 3 hours pass*
* Leon Stands up and hands his paper to the teacher*
Teacher: Go wait outside in the waiting room until your name is called
* Leon walks outside the testing area and walks over to Charlie and sits down*
L: We now wait for them to call my name
C: Alright
* 20 minutes later *
Desk Attendent: LEONDRE DEVRIES!
* Leon walks up to the desk *
Desk Attendent: Congratulations you passed the test now go over to the picture room and get your picture taken
L: ok thank you
* Leon walks into the picture room *
Cameraman: SMILE!
* Cameraman takes the picture *
Cameraman: all done now wait until your name is called again
L: Alright thank you
* Leon walks out into the waiting room and sits next to Charlie *
L: Now we wait for them to call my name again
* 26 minutes pass*
Desk Attendent : LEONDRE DEVRIES!
* Leon walks back up*
* Desk Attendent hands Leon his Permit *
Desk Attendent : Come back in 6 months and take your physical driving test to get your license
L: Alright thank you
* Leon walks over to Charlie *
L: Keys I'm driving
* Charlie Laughs*
* Charlie gives Leon the keys *
* They walk outside and Leon gets into the driver seat and and Charlie gets into the passenger seat *
C: alright drive us back to my place
L: alright
* Leon drives back to Charlies house *
* They get out and walk back inside Leon goes into the bedroom and falls asleep *
* Charlie gets In to bed soon after him*

The End of Part 13 "Drivers Test"
Next Update One Day { If it comes out late it's due to school }

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