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Trespassing is a big deal in the werewolf world. It is deemed a threat and a lack of respect to the pack whose territory you cross and in most cases it means death.

Definite death.

I clutch Gemma's hand tightly. "Message my dad," I whisper, but she shakes her head.

  "I can't. I tried but I just can't get through. It's like there is a block that's been put up. I don't know what to do."

I spin around on my feet ignoring the fact that I am now definitely burning up. I am sweating and I resist the urge to be sick as I glance around taking in the area around us. It's getting darker now and colder so I know we can't stay longer.

  "Ok, Gemma let's just move." I point in a direction. "That route seems familiar, let's go through there."

She glances to me then to the route before taking my hand in hers.

  "Eve you're burning," she whispers, and I can feel her worry.

  "Don't worry," I say, "let's just try and get home."


We both head in the direction I suggested but as we continue I have an overwhelming feeling that I was wrong and apparently so does Gemma, because she stops suddenly. Before I know it she is dragging me back, screaming "RUN!" as we both sprint away from where we were heading.

  "We crossed the boundary and now they know," Gemma screams as she continues to pull me behind her. It is difficult for me to keep up; one she is much taller than me so has longer legs but also let's not forget the fact that she is a werewolf with extraordinary speed whereas I am a human who was too focused on taking pills and surviving to take up a sport such as running.

My chest and legs burn as we continue to jump over broken branches and sidestep trees but somewhere behind me I can hear the howls of wolves and the ground shaking beneath their pounding feet.

Oh we are so dead.

Suddenly Gemma pulls me in another direction and I push at her hands.

  "I can't...run..anymore," I mutter as I slow down, causing Gemma to stop.

   "No Eve, we have to keep going. The moment we stop they will find us and then before we can tell them who we are we will be killed." She is panting as well, her cheeks bright red and her hair messed up from running.

I shake my head. "I can hardly breathe. Maybe if we stop running they will stop chasing and perhaps we ca-"

A deafening roar stops me from uttering another word. I see how Gemma's eyes widen and fill with tears. This is it, I think as I reach for Gemma's hand but another roar makes me drop my hands to the side quickly.

Gemma shakes her head and I stand silently, watching as Gemma takes a step in front of me and lays to the ground, her head on the floor, her neck tilted up. She is surrendering, submitting, showing we are no harm.

I still have my back to them so I can't see much of what is going on.

  "Turn around!" a gruff voice commands and the power in those two words makes my legs wobble. I close my eyes and clench my fingers into a fist. I am not going to be helpless. I am not going to be murdered tonight.

I slowly turn, my black hair cascading down my shoulders hiding my face from the others. Something tells me to look up, so I do and in that second I am blown away. 

Seven men are standing around me and Gemma, all well built and strong enough to kill me and Gemma with their pinkie finger. But none of the other men interest me because all I can do is stare at the tallest man, standing in the middle partially hidden by the shadows. He has the most power among the others; so overwhelming i can feel it from where I am standing. So much power that I feel like bending at my knees to submit to the man.

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