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It was the first time I had seen the Red Moon pack house and as beautiful and jaw-dropping as it was, I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to pay much attention.

Because of me, Carla was going to die.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest, and feeling slightly dizzy and shaky I walked into the house behind Alpha Stone.

I needed to warn Carla somehow, help her escape before Alpha Stone actually managed to carry out his threat.

"Alpha Stone," I started, attempting for a final time to change his mind, however he was hardly paying attention to me.

Suddenly he stopped abruptly and I thought perhaps that was a sign he was listening.

"Carla she-" I continued.

"Yes Jayden?" Alpha Stone's voice interrupted me. Jayden? I peered from behind Alpha Stone's large stature and realised he was talking to the man standing in front of him.

He was an equally large man, easily towering over me, with large broad shoulders. He had blonde hair which curled around his ears and blue eyes that honed in on me as I hid behind the Alpha. He radiated power too and from his well built body and the muscles protruding from underneath his shirt, I had no doubt he was a strong fighter too. 

His lips curled upwards at me before turning to Alpha Stone.

"Everyone is ready and waiting for you Alpha," he said, before his attention turned back to me. His eyes watched me carefully, and I believed he was about to say something more when a familiar figure bounded down the hallway.

"Oh damn it!" Kate exclaimed as she saw me. She rolled her eyes at Jayden, handing him some money before speaking to me.

"I honestly thought you managed to escape, Eve," she said, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "That's $20 I lost on you."

"You made a bet on me escaping?" I wondered out loud. I looked up at Alpha Stone who was watching us with a lack of interest.

"Yeah, I bet that it would take my brother at least half an hour to find you, and Jayden bet it would take less than fifteen minutes."

My eyes went wide. "Wait...so how long did it actually take?" I asked.

"Ten minutes," all three of them said in unison, matter of factly.

I scoffed, feeling more than pathetic. It took me like fourty-five minutes to make it as far as I did and it only took him ten minutes to find me.

"But Eve-" Kate started with a smile, "I really have to give it to you for all the effort you went to." She circled a finger at me, pointing at my clothes and the scent-hiding mixture caked over my face.

Both Jayden and Kate looked at each other and they burst out laughing, meanwhile all I wanted to do was dig a great big hole and bury myself in it. Looking up, even Alpha Stone looked amused, only hardening his face when he caught me looking.

"Take her back to her room," Alpha Stone finally ordered to Kate, before walking away with Jayden.


"Seriously though Eve, you had some guts to try and run," Kate tells me as she directs me back to my room.

"I thought my mother was dead," I reply as I fiddle with my fingers in front of me.

"If it was anyone else, Zac would have killed them on the spot," Kate says, her tone containing a warning. She shows me to a room.

It's a bathroom. "You need to wash that shit off your face first," she explains. "I'll go and grab some spare clothes for you."

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