So am I-BokuAka

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Full to credit to Keijis_ for this idea. I saw her post on Instagram of her song au posts and I just had to write about it, so the plot idea credit fully goes to her and please go follow her on both wattpad and Instagram keijis_ she's literally the sweetest and kindest person ever and her posts are amazing💞❤.

Song: So Am I
Artist: Ava Max
As Akaashi turned the corner he didn't expect to almost trip over a small lump huddled against the wall. He didn't think anything of it until he heard a choked sob come from the ball on the floor. Akaashi crouched down and spoke softly,

'Excuse  me, but are you ok'

What Akaashi wasn't expecting was tear filled golden eyes to look at him, the usual light gone from them. Akaashi let out a broken sigh and embraced the boy with now droopy hair and brushed the unshed tears from his eyes.

'Hey Bokuto, people treating you wrong again' Akaashi said as he pulled back from the hug.

Bokuto just let a choked sob and sniffed while nodding. Akaashi stood up slowly and held out a hand for Bokuto to grab. Said boy just looked at the hand like it was a foreign object then looked up at Akaashi with confusion.

'Come on Bo, there's a Yakiniku store around here, my best friend's health is more important then school at the moment'

As soon as the words left his mouth Bokuto's face lit up like a Christmas tree and the biggest smile came to his face, making Akaashi smile.

'HEY HEY HEY, thanks AkaashiHe said as he dragged Akaashi to the store, a bounce in his step.

As they were eating, Bokuto's mood now normal for him, Bokuto noticed that Akaashi seemed a bit off himself and wasn't eating much. He made a mental note to talk to him later.

~Time Skip to the next day brought to you by Oya Oya Oya~

They were use the the looks thrown at them by now, they were use to the hushed conversations about them and the whispers in the hallways. The bipolar mess and the emotionless nobody. They didn't care though, most of the time, as long as they had each other they were golden.

It was now Bokuto's favourite time of the day, Volleyball practice, and after a day of mostly downs with his bipolar, he was now practically buzzing with excitement. Akaashi walked slowly next to him, alot slower and he was talking way less then he usually does. He didn't know that the owl like boy next to him noticed this behaviour.

After not speaking at all during practise, Bokuto finally decided to talk to Akaashi after practice. After sending everyone home and the two packing up by themselves Bokuto noticed Akaashi walking quite quick to the change room.  He ignored this and walked to the room a few minutes after Akaashi and what he saw had him gasp.

Akaashi heard the noise be behind him and instantly dropped his shirt and turned around, guilt and shock evident in his eyes.

'I-it's not what it l-looks Bokuto-kun'

Bokuto ignored Akaashi's protests and slowly walked behind the shaking boy. He reached out and slowly traced the many scars littering Akaashi's back, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He heard a noise come from Akaashi and he slowly turned back around to look at the also crying boy. Bokuto noticed the scars on his wrists and arms and slowly traced them aswell, trying not to hurt the boy anymore. He looked back up at Akaashi and wiped eyes, his tears now slowly escaping.

'W-w-why Kaashi, why? Bokuto said in a shakey voice just above a whisper.

Akaashi just cried more and crumpled to the floor, Bokuto going down after him and embracing him, careful of the scares.

'B-because Bo, I-I'm useless, I'm emotionless, ugly and a nobody. Everyone hates me and nobody knows I suffer from depression, I'm just a misfit who noone likes' He finished with a chocked sob.

Bokuto felt something finally snap in him, maybe it was seeing his best friend broken like this, maybe it was because Akaashi wasn't alone in this world or maybe it was Bokuto finally having enough of waiting to confess his feelings, whatever it was Bokuto has had enough. He slowly took the crying Akaashi's chin and lifted it up so they were tear filled eyes to tear filled eyes and he slowly lent in and kissed Akaashi. There was no fireworks, it was strong and passionate, fear and love fully placed into it, it lasted only 5 seconds but it was enough to get Bokuto's point across.

'So am I Kaashi, I'm a misfit, a nobody and nobody likes me, but as long as you're here with me, I don't care what anyone things, as long as you're here everything is bright and I can think clearly, you are not ugly, you are the most strong and kindest person I know. We can get through this and be different together. I love you Keiji Akaashi, together we can be misfits'

Bokuto felt Akaashi's lips on his as soon as he finished his confession, they were soft and plush and tasted like mango, they were Bokuto's safe place. Akaashi hesitantly brought his arms around Bokuto's neck and broke the kiss, foreheads resting against each other.

'I love you too Kotaro Bokuto' And for the first time all day Akaashi cracked a small smile

Bokuto did the same but just as quickly a frown was on his face, in a hushed voice he whispered.

'I'm sorry I couldn't help you, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you, I'm sorry I never realised you're pain, I'm so selfish'

It was Akaashi's turn to grab Bokuto's chin ' None of this is you're fault, you are not selfish, we just both have our own problems, please don't feel that way'

Bokuto nodded and stood up, quickly getting changed then helping Akaashi get up so he could finish getting changed. He gave Akaashi a kiss on the cheek as they both walked out of the change room, holding hands.

'I don't know about you Kaashi but this misfit feels like ice-cream' Bokuto said with a huge grin.

Akaashi laughed at the bubbly boy I've cream sounds great Bo'

They walked to the Ice cream store hand in hand, not caring what anyone thought about the two misfits.
Hope you enjoyed that even though it wasn't that good. Once again a huge thank you to Keijis_ for allowing me to use her ideas, it was fun to write. The next story will hopefully be posted next week sometime and it will be an IwaOi based one. Love you guys💙💛.

BokuAka, IwaOi and KuroKen Song FicsWhere stories live. Discover now