Castle On The Hill-IwaOi

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Holy shi~, almost over 3 months since I updated. I am so sorry, I didn't even realise 😓. A lot has been happening lately but I'll try update more regularly. Anyways here's a new story.

All characters of Haikyuu do not belong to me, besides Oikawa's brother. All characters from Haikyuu belong to their rightful owners.

Song: Castle on the Hill
Artist: Ed Sheeran
Oikawa's P. O. V

*Gasp* *Pant* 'Gotta keep running, I've got to escape' *Pant* *Cough* 'It's not over yet'.
I could feel the excruciating pain in my calfs as I dashed down the steep hill near my town. My breath was heavy as looked back past my shoulder to see my brother, Kou, and his friends far behind me as they chased after me. As I was looking back I didn't notice the stone on the ground, realising after my toes hit it and I fell straight onto my leg, rolling down the hill at full sped, inhaling the taste and smell of fresh grass and dirt as I tumbled down the steep slope.

As I reached the bottom, heaving and panting, I screamed and cried as I held my leg, it was  the worse pain I've ever been in.




I could hear my name being said but just bearly. I think it was by Kou and my best friend, Hajime Iwaizumi.

'Oi-Oikawa don't worry, it-it's going to be ok'

That was definitely Iwa-chan, worry laced his voice and I could tell his was panicked. I slowly started calming down abit as Iwa kept saying soothing words to me and playing with my hair as Kou called an ambulance.

At the age of 6 I broke my leg.

I also swore to never go to up that hill ever again.
Iwaizumi's P. O. V

5 years have passed since Oikawa broke his leg and as we sit in our hotel room in Australia, (a/n: yes because my boys need to come to my home country) Oikawa's head in my lap scrolling through social media, he suddenly spoke up after sitting in a comfortable silence for a while.

'Do you ever miss them'?

I take my eyes off the book I was reading to look down at his shining eyes.

'Miss who'?

'Our old friends, do you ever miss them'?

He looks at me with a questioning look and I think for a few seconds before responding.

'Sometimes but not often, I think our current friends are better honestly'. I smile at the memories our small friend group have made.

Oikawa smiles back at me and nestled his head into my lap again.

'I think it's time for us to return home Oiks'

'But Iwa-chaaannn'

I laugh at the cute frown he had and flicked his forehead.

Maybe we can stay abit longer.
Oikawa's P. O. V

After spending another 3 days in Australia we finally returned home to Japan. After gathering our luggage and grabbing 2 cups of coffee we were ready for our 3 hour drive back to our home town.

Since Iwa-chan doesn't trust me driving (you hit one light post gently and your best friend  won't let you drive again) he got in the driver seat while I sat beside him in the passenger seat. I plugged my phone in and we set off home, belting out songs down the highway.

'Iwa-chan I recently discovered this song and it's prefect for car singing'

He gives a sigh which I took as a yes and pressed play on 'Tiny Dancer' by Elton John. As the chorus came on  we were both singing the lyrics loudly off key but we didn't care.

~Time skip brought to by 'Yahoo'
Loud giggles escpaed  our lips as we were chased by police officers. Bokuto and Kuroo shouting out insults and jokes to them as Akaashi and Kenma just ran past them with looks of disappointment. Iwa-chan and I were at the back of the group, running for our lives as we were caught smoking and drinking underage.

We eventually lost track of the cops, taking solitude in an abandoned warehouse. We all collapsed in a pile of breathless giggles. I slowly stop giggling and rest my body on Iwa-chan, who was leaning againt a wall. I look around and notice both Kenma and Akaashi's eyelids becoming heavy, the poor boys not use to being on the run,their respective boyfriends looking after them.

I suddenly feel something come over me and jolt up, Iwaizumi giving me a look of confusion on his face as I turn to face him.

'Toru what ar...'

I interrupt Iwa-chan with my lips connecting to his, a sweet yet soft kiss was given before I dash out of the warehouse to go throw up, discovering I can't handle alcohol.

Iwaizumi's P. O. V:

I quickly follow Oikawa out of the warehouse and gently rub circles on his back as he throws up the alcohol he had. I tentatively touch my lips at the same time, the kiss Toru gave me still replaying in my head. I was brought out of my daydreams by a warm hug and Oikawa nuzzling his head into my shoulder. I hug him back and give him a kiss on his cheek,  bright smiles appreaing on our faces.

~Time skip~
Still Iwaizumi's P. O. V:

'Iwa-channn where are we goinggg'?

I ignore Oikawa's constant whining as I drag him to our destination, hiking up the hill where Oikawa broke his leg, breaking his vow of never going up there.

As we reach the top I slowly take the blindfold of my whinning boyfriend's eyes, a quiet gasp escaping his lips.

Over in the distance stood an old castle, slowly crumbling from age but that wasn't what I wanted to show Oikawa.

As the last of the pastel pink, light blue and lilac sky disappeared to welcome night, thousands of stars lit up the sky, twinkling and shinning.

I turn to face Oikawa, who had tears in his eyes, I wrap my arms around his waist and whisper in his ear.

'Happy anniversary babe'.

We happily spent the rest of the night star-gazing and laughing with each other.
Hey, it's a bit of a long one-shot since I haven't posted for a while.
Hope you guys enjoy💙


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