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I took a hotel near the ocean and booked a room, through which I can see the beauty of nature....That nature which send me her fregnance, her words....

I slide the door and move to the balcony the air hit me....It's like she is telling me something....Forgive me if you are travelling through any tough situation and I'm not near you....Baby just wait a little I will surely come to you....

If you feel tired open the door of your mind you will find me waiting for you wearing everything of your favourite colour....I am really ready to be your strength....When you will feel depressed just close your eyes,you will find me right by your side....

I want you to laugh endlessly,I want you to burry your sadness fully,If you want we can go for date everyday, Joy,peace and happiness will be the main key of your life....just wait a little baby I'm coming to make everything alright....

I will reach to you very soon by finding my way,and if I couldn't do that I'll make my own way....

You are my pearl,you are my diamond jewel even though you stay between rocks you are always special....

I want to become the air you breathe, I want to become the water you drink,I want to be the scenery you look....will you be happy if I became that lucky person....I wanna hold your hands and move to the other side world....I am coming very soon, Till that look up the moon you will find me....nothing is tough if you think you'll do it....

Past this boring day, until that lucky day come, until we will meet, Just stay there a little longer....just stay....

I want to breathe, I hate this night, I want to wake up I hate this dream, I'm trapped inside of myself and I'm dead, I don't want to stay lonely....just wanna be yours....

I promise to love you by the way you are....I promise you that I will hold your hands for the whole night,I promise that when you will feel sad I'll turn into comedian,I promise that when you will be in trouble I will turn into superman....And the most important when you will need love....I will turn into naughty Jeon kook in no time....

I promise I'll be there for you with each beat of my heart...

I promise I'll be there for you in times both night and dark...

I promise I'll be there for you when you just want to talk....

I promise I'll be there for you by your side as we walk...

I promise I'll be there for you no matter where we are....

I promise I'll be there for you ,I swear it on the stars....

I promise I'll be there for you, I promise,I'm sure....

I promise that I'll love you, I shall,forever more....

To my love,I don't know where you are but I promise to stay right by your side....tomorrow and forever....

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