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"Woaah it's been a long time, huh? I saw a twenty four full-moon since that day. And finally that big day came!"

Mugwang chugged his dring at once. He was so happy and he was celebrating it on his own. 

"Big day?" Mubaek mumbled. He sat down next to his younger brother. He wasn't happy at all. He knew why his brother is happy now but he felt uneasy.

" I've been waiting for this day so long time, you know. Finally Tagon will became a king! King of all lands!"

"King of my ass!"

The door was open. Mugwang suddenly stood up and took his sword. Hanna entered the room. There was an ironic smile on her face.

"Don't worry boy, I'm Hanna who is your nightmare."

When she started a giggle  Mugwang frowned, throw his sword.

"Why are you here again? I said-"

"I'm here for Mubaek, not you. So shut up."

She sat down at Mugwang's chair. Mubaek looked at his brother. He looked very uncomfortable with her

"What happened?" he asked. When they met last time she told him that she will visit to the Sky Castle. It sounded so dangerous but she is alive. He wonderef what happened to her and why she was here right now.

"They didin't let me in."

Mugwang laughed. She ignored him as always.

"I knew this would happen but prefered to say nothing. You were going to do what you wanted anyway." said Mubaek.

"So why are you here?" Mugwang asked. She ignored him again.

"We have no time. Tagon will became a king and we'll lose all of chances!"

"Stop there" Again Mugwang started to talk before Mubaek. He sat on the table.
"Let's face with the fact that you never had any chance towards Tagon. He was born for become a king and he will. You was born as a slave and you will live like that till you die. You got it?"

"Mugwang" Mubaek mumbled.


"Its our conversation."

"Our? Hah." He stood up and started to walking into the room.

"How can I help you?" Mubaek asked with soft voice. Hanna took a deep breath. While Mugwang came close to table and chugged his drink she started to talk about her new plan.

"I'm gonna say that I'm pregnant."

Mugwang squirt his drink.

"What?" she asked "Is that a bad idea?"

"So who is the father? Sannung Niruha? Could he do such things like this?" He giggled.

"Bad idea." Mubaek said with calm voice. He even didn't smile. "Taealha wants to kill you. If you m say that then she definitely will kill you.."


"I have a plan."
He said quickly.

"Hyung! How could you tried to help her!"

Mubaek ignored Mugwang. Hanna was waiting to listen his plan.

"I know that Tagon scared from people's reaction so much. People think the gods mad at him. He believes it."

"The gods?" Mugwang frowned "Bullshit! There is no god, how could you believe that?"

"Mugwang-ah" Mubaek called his brother "Tagon belive that too."

The Sky Tragedy: Mother of Lands [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now