I thought that I could never cry
I believed I could never be happy
I believed that someone would save me
I believed I was meant to be here
Thoughts of dying plagued my head
Thoughts of happiness pumped my blood
How can I want both at the same time?
How can I be here?
All I do is cause pain
I described my life through the lyrics on this page
Thoughts of how it could be but how it really is
Pure out anger pulsed through my eyes
I wish it would go away but really that's who I am
I cause the pain in you
I create the hurt
I thought I couldn't beat myself any more than I already did
Turns out I could. Turns out I did
They thought I was a fighter
They thought that I could win
That I could beat whatever this is
When truly They were wrong
This is how I want to be remembered
Not by the spirit I have
Not by the way I think
Not by the things I did
I want to be remembered by the words on these pages