chapter 1

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"This feels so good,"  So-Young smiled, her eyes closed, relishing the fresh air brushing against her face as she rode aimlessly on the bus. Today wasn't about schedules or obligations; it was her escape from the opulent life she lived, a chance to blend in and feel ordinary.

Hailing from the prestigious Kim family, one of South Korea's wealthiest and most respected, So-Young's father, Kim Tae Hee, had built an empire from scratch, becoming a powerhouse in the business world. His journey hadn't been easy, battling fierce competition and overcoming numerous obstacles, but his relentless determination had paved the way to success.

His strong-willed nature resonated deeply with his youngest daughter, So-Young. Fierce yet composed, she embodied the qualities of a natural leader. Her striking beauty mirrored her mother's, often making her father marvel at how such a reflection of his true love had come into his life.

The Kim household was a close-knit family of four: Mr and Mrs Kim, their sons Taehyung and So-Young. Alongside them was Mr. Park, Mr. Kim's steadfast secretary and confidant since the early days of the business. Mr Park's loyalty had been instrumental in their journey, guiding them through challenges and securing their place in the business hierarchy.

Back on the bus, So-Young occasionally leaned out the window, music blaring in her ears, lost in the moment of sheer bliss. Freed from the constraints of her father's protective bubble, she revelled in the simple joy of anonymity.

Growing up, So-Young often felt overshadowed by her older brother Taehyung's freedom. While he roamed freely, she was confined within the mansion walls, shielded from the world. Despite her protests, her father's protectiveness remained unyielding, ensuring her safety but inadvertently keeping her isolated.

Yet, under her father's watchful eye, So-Young hadn't grown weak. Instead, she had blossomed into a confident young woman, adept at facing challenges head-on. Now an adult, she relished the newfound freedoms that came with maturity, though they came with their own set of guards—a small price for the chance to experience life beyond her gilded cage.

Accompanying her today was Jimin, her closest friend and honorary brother. Originally Taehyung's best friend, Jimin had grown inseparable from So-Young over the years. The son of Mr. Park, he harboured ambitions to follow in his father's footsteps, eager to support Taehyung when he assumed leadership of the family business.

So-Young regarded Jimin as an elder brother figure, despite their three-year age gap. With no siblings of his own, he cherished his bond with Taehyung and So-Young, fiercely protective and devoted to their well-being. His loyalty led him to trail the bus today, having convinced the guards to stand down and allow him to keep watch over So-Young instead.

However, their agreed-upon time limit had long passed, and So-Young's father's repeated calls signalled Jimin's growing impatience. Frustrated, he tapped furiously on the navigation screen, demanding the digital assistant connect him with So-Young.

"Hello?" So-Young's calm voice greeted him.

"MISS KIM SO-YOUNG, you are crossing the line!" Jimin's frustration was evident, though he'd tempered his tone.

So-Young winced at the volume and pulled the phone away briefly. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play innocent. We agreed on twenty minutes, and you're well over that. Your father wants you back," he asserted firmly.

"But—" So-Young began to protest, but Jimin cut her off.

"No more excuses. Next stop, you're getting off. That's final. And your father is waiting," he reminded her.

Knowing better than to defy Jimin when he was in this mood, So-Young reluctantly agreed. Disembarking at the next stop, she found Jimin waiting beside his parked car. She approached, putting on her most innocent expression, hoping to soften his resolve.

Jimin had been prepared to lecture her, but her earnest gaze softened his stance. With a sigh, he shook his head and motioned for her to get into the car.

"You really know how to push my buttons," Jimin grumbled as they pulled away.

"Of course I do," So-Young giggled. "But admit it, you love spoiling me."

"I'm afraid you're right," Jimin admitted with a smile. "I've spoiled you, Taehyung, and probably your father too."

"So what's one more spoiled Kim?" So-Young teased, enjoying their banter.

Arriving at the mansion, So-Young rushed into her father's office, a habit she'd developed when at home.

"Papa? You wanted to talk?" So-Young greeted him, her affection for him evident.

"Ah, my baby," Mr. Kim's eyes softened at the sight of her. "Come here." He opened his arms for a hug, which she gladly accepted.

"Aigoo, my baby. You never grow up, do you? You still fit in my arms," he teased gently as he held her.

"Papa!" So-Young protested playfully as she pulled away. "Why is everyone teasing me today?"

Mr. Kim's expression turned serious. "Because, my dear, I have something important to discuss with you."

"What is it, papa?" So-Young's concern was palpable as she awaited his next words.

"You have to leave as soon as possible."


So, while editing the fanfic years later, it has come to my attention that some parts of books may be a little sensitive. I was 14 when I wrote this and lacked judgment of certain things, but I know better now. 

I have not changed anything in the plot, so the reader's discretion is advised. Please be supportive of my 14-year-old self's work. 

Love, author

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