Chapter 26

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"That's how I ended up here, with Rose," Jimin ended.

Both of them have been sitting on the couch, facing each other. They were quiet for a while before they started telling each other how the past 3 months have treated them.

So-Young went first and told Jimin how she ended in that auction center and how Jungkook was the one who saved her and how she fell in love with him.

Jimin was happy to know that So-Young had someone who wanted to protect her with his life, he couldn't even have doubts since he witnessed it by himself. But that doesn't mean that every part of him will itch to pull them apart when they touch each other or worse kiss.

Jimin's whole body trembled at that thought, not with fear but with a cringe.

On the other hand, So-Young wanted to rip the hair of that kidnappers out of their scalps for the way they treated Jimin, Such Bastards, how can they do that him, She cursed in her mind.

But one thing she found questionable, how did Rose find him? And what happened after she brought him here. Are they a thing or something? She thought.

She looked at him with curious eyes and Jimin caught her.

"What? What are you looking at?" Jimin's eyes were wide open and he was feeling as if he was being targeted. Well...he was.

"You're not telling me everything, are you? Something is missing. Tell me." So-Young turned around excitedly, eager to hear another side of the story, more so the romantic side of the story.

"Woah..okay you little bean. No need to get excited," he poked his forehead and pushed her away, "there's nothing else YOU need to know."

"Oh? Why?" So-Young whined "it's not like I am a baby anymore, I know everything," a devilish smile crept on her lips. And I know there's something you're not telling me.

Jimin looked at her face which was holding onto that pout and puppy eyes, desperate to make him talk. This was torture. He could neither ignore That face, neither did he want to talk about his love life.

"God Damn it!" Jimin finally gave in, "okay fine, I'll tell you. But you better behave. I don't want you going around teasing me or Rose, are we clear?"

"Mhm," So-Young eagerly nodded her head and once again scooted closer to Jimin.

"So...after Rose brought me here, she started tamed my wounds. She wanted to take me to a hospital but I refused."

"Why?" So-Young interrupted.

"Because it wasn't safe, I didn't want to leave traces behind and I didn't have the money so I couldn't ask for favors, you know how much I hate asking for help."

"Mhm, I know that very well."

"So after many attempts of her trying to pursue me, she gave in and tended the wounds herself and called in a family doctor of hers. After-"

"Argh! Get to the juicy part already."

"What juicy part? There is no juicy part!"

"Stop playing hard Jimin!" So-Young grabbed his collar and glared at him, "or else there will be consequences," her voice was low and barely above a whisper.

"Okay fine! Rose confessed first and now we're in a relationship, there! Now, let go". Jimin ushered out, this new side of So-Young scared him.

All the credit goes to none other than Kim Seok Jin.

"Now that's what I wanted to hear," So-Young beamed as she lets go of his collar.

"You've changed..."Jimin says in a mock sad voice," where is that shy little bean I knew? What have you done to her!"

"She's in there somewhere, I'm sure..." There's some silence after that and then they both burst into laughter.

Jimin suddenly pulls So-Young in his embrace, still laughing. "God! I missed you."

"I missed you too," So-Young returned his embrace.

"I was so scared that something had happened to you, I was afraid I might never get to see you again, that I wouldn't be able to keep my promise," Jimin confessed wholeheartedly. The playfulness vanishing from the air.

So-Young opened her mouth to say something but...

"Why do they keep doing that", an angry voice resonates, Jeon Jungkook's voice resonates... "Get away from her," in a flash Jungkook was standing in front of them and pulling his birdie away from the strange man.

"God help this jealous bunny!" Rose mumbles as she walks up to him and throws the bags of food at him. "Go, serve this, I am too tired," she closes her eyes and plops down on the couch beside Jimin.

Jungkook glares and makes a face at her but doesn't argue and walk to the kitchen, dragging his birdie with him. As soon they enter the kitchen, Jungkook goes off into his own world, mumbling, wording out his annoyance, and getting the plates out. 

So-Young leaned against the counter and enjoyed the scene unfolding in front of her. She didn't know this side of Jungkook existed and she found it extremely adorable and mesmerizing. She didn't see it back at the penthouse since the only two people besides Jungkook that came were Jin and Namjoon

And well they weren't much of a threat.

So-Young couldn't hold it anymore, she wanted to hold him and squeeze his cheek for how adorable he was looking, all pouty and like a baby bunny.

She silently walked up to him and hugged from the side, propping her chin against his arm. "Do you know how adorable you look when you are jealous?" She says bluntly.

"What? Who says I am jealous. I AM NOT JEALOUS."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Jungkook," So-Young leans up and pecks his cheek before lightly patting his arm and walking out of the kitchen.

"HEY! I AM NOT JEALOUS." Jungkook shouts.

So-Young giggles as she walks into the living room once again. Jimin was sitting on the couch watching TV and Rose was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Rose?" So-Young asked as she sits down beside him.

"Went upstairs to take a shower, she has to go to this party tonight," Jimin informs, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Ah..." So-Young nods, "I know, it's for Jungkook since he's taking over his father's business." 

"mhm..." Jimin responds but with disinterest.

"You two better get along, you'll be seeing more of him from now," So-young warns.

"I know."


"What?! I said I know, I understand."

"Then show some interest. "

"I AM!"

"No, you are not."

"Whatever." Jimin gives up and sets his eyes on the screen once again.

"Whatever to you too," So-Young shows him her tongue and leans back on the couch.

"God! You two are fighting like children. Get a grip," Rose strolls in with a towel on her head.

"We are Not!" they both say at the same time. Rose just rolls her eyes 

They spent the whole afternoon like that, laughing, arguing, catching up, as if everything was okay, nothing bad happened from the start and this was just another normal day passing by.

What they did know that a storm was headed towards them and it was coming fast.

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