Cory Wilson - Abuse

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You and Cory had been in a public relationship was a couple weeks now and everything was going really well. Unfortunately things started to digress at home. Your dad was drinking, your mum was off her head on something every other day and you were relied on to drag your sister Joey into school everyday. Things were getting out of hand and fast.

Your POV:
You had gotten detention, but was finally able to make your way home. You walked through you door slowly shutting it behind you trying to reduce the noise.

"And where have you been?" My dad barked.

"Oh just had a study class" I replied.

"Me and your mother have been worried sick about you, what do you think you're doing, coming in late like that" he said, leaning closer to your face.
You moved away, pressing your back firmly against the wall.

"You know all those study classes aren't gonna do ya any good are they, ain't gonna help ya, ya going no where kid and that' end of" he was in my face now, pinning me with a strong grip against the wall.

"Dad don't say that, you don't mean that" I cry.

"Get out of my sight" he yelled. His hand sprung back. A sharp sting warmed my cheek. Multiple tears slid down my cheek as I sank in my place. I curled my knees to my chest and sobbed.

The Next Day:

No foundation in the world could cover up this mark. As I dab over my swollen cheek, I continuously flinch in pain.
"Right that's it" I thought. "Guess I'm gonna have to no one notices it".
I fixed my tie as I look at my outfit in my full length mirror. Throwing my blazer over my shoulder I ran downstairs to grab some fruit and made my way out the door.

As I walked round school, everyone was looking. Nasreen and Missy tried asking me how I got but I just told them I fell over, I don't want anyone worrying. I spot Cory out the corner of my eye and run over to him. We embrace each other and he throws me an irresistible smirk. His face drained white when he noticed the mark.

"Y/N, can I speak to ya for a second, privately" he says concerned.
Our hands interlock as he pulls me down an empty corridor. We stop in our tracks. I can't look him in the eye without spilling my guts.

"What happened? Was it him?! Cause if it was ya know I'd do something, you shouldn't be livi-" I cut the flustered boy off.

"I didn't want ya to know like this, ya know what he's like Cory, what can I do? I'm stuck in a mad house with them, if it's not me it's Joey and I can't have that" I say as my eyes brim with tears.

"I know babe, I know but you being put through that it dangerous, you both need to get out, I can't have you staying there, not with him" his hand softly placed on my cheek, his face leaned closer to mine. He used the pad if his thumb to wipe away my running tears.

"I don't know what the right thing is anymore" I said pressing my forehead against his.

"I know, I know just come here will ya" he pulled my into a passionate embrace gently drawing shapes into my back. I stared up into his eyes. It was like falling in love with him all over again. Cory's eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes with lust. I copied his action leaning closer to him. Our lips brushed together with passion. It was like a raging fire. It meant so much to them both. His tongue swiped your bottom lip asking for entrance and you gave him. Fighting for dominance you moved together in sync.

After a steamy kiss, you reluctantly pulled away, giving him a cheeky smirk. You gripped his hand and pulled him down the corridor

"Where we going?" He said.

"To class we don't wanna be late" I said with a smile.

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