Team RWBY Meet The Ghost Rider

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Team RWBY are walking down the streets at night

Yang:Well that was a fun night

Weiss:Even though I could have been studying yes I do agree that it was a fun night

Yang:Did the ice queen admit to having fun?

Weiss:Quiet you

Yang:Wait where's Ruby?

Blake:She disappeared

Yang:That's not like her she would have called-

A gunshot is heard as Weiss deflects it with her rapier as there surrounded by white fang soldiers as the infamous criminal himself Roman Torchwick shows up and smokes his cigar as one of the white fang soldiers holds Ruby at gunpoint and Roman holding her weapon


Roman:Now now ladies let's not do anything drastic

Yang walks towards him as her eyes glow red


Roman:Oh I will but we need to make an arrangement-

Roman stops as he hears a motorcycle engine

Roman:What the fuck is that?

Weiss:It's a motorcycle moron

Roman:I know that ice queen

The engine gets louder as Yang turns around to see a flaming motorcycle as the flames melt the asphalt as her eyes widen to see a man with a spiked black leather jacket with a flaming skull for a head laughing as it sends chills down her spine as Roman's eyes widen in horror

Roman:Shit kill red now

One of the white fang soldiers nod and go to kill Ruby but he suddenly stops and looks at the person driving the motorcycle as Ruby jumps out of the way as the man slams his motorcycle into the white fang soldier burning him alive making him scream in agony as the man stops his motorcycle and dismounts it


The man looks towards Ruby and points to her

???:You innocent*Then goes to look at team RWBY* All of you innocent

Weiss:What does he mean by that?

Roman:SHOOT HIM!!!!

The white fang soldiers try to open fire on him but he simply walks over to them like the bullets don't affect him as he grabs the chain tied to his waist and throws it to one of the white fang soldiers necks and it catches fire as he screams in agony


???:No you shall pay for your sins

Blake:His voice it's demonic

Weiss:There's nothing human about him at all

Ruby nods as she's too terrified to move as the white fang soldier's body finally goes limp as he removes it and Roman sees the white fang soldiers throat burned as he steps on the throat of the poor faunus as he punches one of the white fang soldiers sending him flying for miles burning his face and completely melting the mask

Roman:I've got to escape

???:There's no escape for you

He grabs Roman by his collar and pins him to the wall

Roman:Look hell spawn maybe we can talk this out?

???:Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent

Before he can finish he gets shot with dust bullets as he drops Roman he growls and walks towards the white fang soldiers who are terrified but keep shooting

???:I shall devour your souls and send all of you to hell

White Fang Soldier:W-Who are you?!

The man grabs his throat and lifts him in the air

???:Your reckoning

The man just stares at him as the white fang soldier screams in agony and his eyes are melted away and his body goes limp and he tosses the lifeless body to the side and one of the soldiers stabs him in the chest with a blade and laughs

White Fang Soldier 3:Ha got ya not so tough now are ya?

The man just starts laughing maniacally as the blade melts into ashes as the white fang soldier and grabs his chain and wraps it around him as the white fang soldier screams in agony as his body begins to turn to melt as he removes the chain the white fang soldier dies covered in burn marks as he turns to see Roman has escaped the man growls and walks to his flaming bike ignoring Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang

Weiss:Hey who or what are you?!

The man ignores her question and mounts his bike and turns the engine


He then looks at Weiss who then immediately regrets yelling at the man

Ghost Rider:Call me the Ghost Rider

He then rides off into the night laughing as he melts the asphalt again as Ruby is terrified but Yang helps her up

Yang:Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! How are you feeling?!

Ruby:Y-Yang I'm fine just shaken up


Blake:I don't think I'm ever gonna forget what happened here tonight

Yang:Definitely not

No Forgiveness Only Vengeance Rwby X Ghost Rider Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now