Dark Times Ahead

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After reuniting with Velvet she showed you around Beacon as you got done with that Ozpin called you to his office as you walk to the elevator as you go inside it and it takes you to his office he smiles

Ozpin:Hello mister L/n

Y/n:Oz what info do you have for me?

Ozpin:Yes there has been a increase in white fang activity so

Y/n:You want me to send them to hell

Ozpin:That's one way of putting it

Y/n:I'm not a huntsman yet and your allowing me to go on missions

Ozpin:I'm doing this so the demon inside of you won't kill my students

Y/n:You know?!

Ozpin:Yes now if there has been an increase in white fang-

Y/n:How the hell do you know about this?!

Ozpin:I have my ways I'll tell you what you need to know if you can complete this mission

Y/n:Fine but if your lying the rider's gonna have some fun with you

Ozpin sighs and stands up from his chair and hands you some files

Y/n:What's this?

Ozpin:The files of will explain who your targets are I think you'll be quite pleased

Y/n:Fine will that be all?

Ozpin:Yes mister L/n you may leave

You nod as you walk towards the elevator and go to team Cfvy's dorm and knock but no response you knock again no response you sense two aura's weakened as this worries you as you kick the door down to see team Cfvy's dorm demolished as the beds are destroyed and Yatuhashi is injured as you know that Velvet is not there

Y/n:Coco what happened?!

Coco:I-I don't know people in black cloaks came in and whooped us like it was nothing

Y/n:Where's Velvet?!

Coco:They took her but before they did they

She struggles to answer as you clench your fists flames begin to emerge from your arms

Coco:They tortured her


Footsteps are heard as you turn around as flames shoot from your eyes you see Ozpin with a look of horror on his face

Ozpin:No how did this happen?!

You grab him by the collar of his shirt and glare at him


Ozpin:I-I don't know the alarms never went off I wasn't notified until recently

Y/n:Damn one of their semblances must have messed with the security system

Coco:And they dressed like normal students that's the scary part

Y/n:They couldn't have had any access to the system unless*Your eyes widen in realization* Someone gave them that code

Yatuhashi wakes up but groans in pain as you turn to look at him

Yatuhashi:Y-Y/n Velvet's been

Y/n:I know

Coco:Who would do something like this? Who gave them the code?

Y/n:I have a feeling it might be a certain faunus hating team

You begin to sprint towards the door but Coco grabs your arm

Coco:Please bring Velvet back safe and sound

You smile and give her a thumbs up

Y/n:Don't worry I will just rest up

You dash down the hall as you spot team CRDL laughing and celebrating as you walk towards them as they notice you

Y/n:You four seem to be happy about something

Cardin:We just won a battle of course we-

You grab him by the throat and raise him in the air

Y/n:Cut the bullshit dickchester*Notices his wounds are healed* Ya know I'm surprised you can move from those third degree burns I gave you my question is*You pull him closer towards you until your inches apart from his face as flames shoot from your eyes* How did you heal your wounds?

Cardin:I'm a fast healer

You punch him in the gut making him cough up blood

Y/n:DON'T LIE TO ME!!!!!!!!

Cardin doesn't answer as you growl more then sigh dropping him making him gasp for air

Y/n:I guess he'll have a talk with ya


You knock them all out with your chain and chuckle

Y/n:You'll see

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