Reunion Of Old Friends

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The paring for the reader is gonna be Velvet she needs some love let's get to the second chapter now shall we?

As the Ghost Rider rides in the night he suddenly stops and looks at the sun and dismounts his bike as the flames vanish from the skull and the skull begins to form flesh as it transforms back into Y/n

Y/n:Damn it I let Torchwick get away

???:Well wouldn't you perhaps want to try again?

You jump as you turn around to see the headmaster of Beacon professor Ozpin with a woman with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a white shirt and a black cape also carrying a crop

Y/n:Your professor Ozpin headmaster of Beacon Academy

Ozpin:You know your stuff kid

Y/n:What do you want?

Ozpin:Straight to the point huh? I like that we would like for you to enter Beacon

Y/n:Why should I go there? I'm already skilled enough as is

Ozpin:True but what if I told you that I have some information that you might need?

You then turn to look at him in surprise


Ozpin:Yes of course

Y/n:So here's what I'm getting from all this you want me to enter Beacon and in return you give me the information I require?

Ozpin:Yes do you accept?


Ozpin smiles

Ozpin:Excellent Y/n I knew you'd accept

He motions you to follow him as you make it to the bullhead and fly towards Beacon as you look at the view

Ozpin:So Y/n what is that power?

Y/n:My semblance

Ozpin:That's no semblance I've ever seen

Y/n:It's unique

You look to the trees as your now in the forest close to the school

Y/n:"Thoughts" I can't just tell him I sold my soul to the devil he wouldn't believe me

Ozpin:Mister L/n we're here

You land on the courtyard as you jump down from the bullhead and take a look at the school

Ozpin:So mister L/n what do you think?

Y/n:Not bad

Ozpin:Now follow me we have some things to discuss about late entries


You follow Ozpin and the woman from the bullhead as you hear mocking laughter as you turn your head to see four people picking on a faunus girl as you growl

Yes Y/n give in to the anger kill them all

You hold your head in a slight pain as the woman looks at you

???:Are you alright mister L/n?

Y/n:Y-Yeah miss?

Glynda:Glynda Goodwitch


???:Please stop Cardin

Cardin:No way freak why are you even in this school? Faunus like you don't deserve to be in this school let alone in my presence

He pulls on her ears harder as his goons laugh

You turn to see this again as you begin to get enraged at the sight of this as Glynda sighs

Glynda:Poor miss Scarlatina she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment

Your eyes widen as you remember the name as you recognize the bunny girl as Velvet someone you knew from your childhood before it turned into a living hell for you


Glynda:Mister L/n we-


Cardin:Hey could you stop shouting over there dumbass?! I'm kinda busy showing this freak that she doesn't belong here

He pushes Velvet to the ground making her grunt in pain a bit more as your eyes shoot flames and you growl


Glynda:Mister L/n you can't attack those students

You ignore her as you walk towards the four shitheads as your feet produce small flames as they get larger with every step as Cardin goes to smack Velvet she closes her eyes waiting for the pain but nothing happens as she only hears Cardin cry out in agony as she opens her eyes to see you grabbing Cardin's hand and burning it as Velvet's eyes widen as she remembers you


Y/n:Listen and listen good you racist piece of shit if you ever try to hurt my friend again I will personally take your guts out and force feed them to you

Cardin:You wouldn't dare you don't have the guts

Y/n:Your so lucky it's daytime right now


Y/n:You'll find out

You punch him in the face breaking his jaw sending him flying for miles burning some of his face off making him scream in pure agony as his other pals are scared shitless

Y/n:Don't mess with her again got it?

They nod and run off in fear as you sigh your flames disappear as you turn around to see Velvet crying

Y/n:Hey bunny girl

Velvet hugs you tightly as you hug her back

Velvet:Y/n where have you been you stopped answering my calls I thought you died!

You smile and pat her head and rub her ears softly easing her pain

Y/n:Easy Velvet I don't die that easily

Velvet hugs you even tighter as you smile at her you see three other people walk up to you one woman who is pissed off

???:Velvet I heard Cardin was picking on you again when I get my hands on that asshole he's gonna regret being born!

Velvet:Coco it's okay Y/n saved me


Velvet:You know an old friend of mine?

Coco:Oh yeah the one you told me who you had a crush on

Velvet's face grows red as she tries to hide behind you to cover her blushing face

Velvet:S-Shut up C-Coco that's not true at all

???:Coco could ya stop teasing her she's had enough for one day

Coco:Yeah I guess your right if you heard already my name is Coco Adel

Fox:My name is Fox Alistair

Yatuhashi:My name is Yatuhashi Daichi

Y/n:Names Y/n L/n nice to meet you all

Velvet:Y/n how did you get here?

Y/n:Through Ozpin



Velvet:Oh Y/n your going to love it here at Beacon

She grabs your arm and runs off into the school as Coco smiles

Coco:Well she won't be depressed anymore now that she got her man


Coco laughs as Yatuhashi smiles

No Forgiveness Only Vengeance Rwby X Ghost Rider Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now