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Akira POV

I watched him sleep, as I gently played with his hair. This position must be uncomfortable for him to sleep in. I tried to get off him but he gripped my waist tightly, Damn this guy is strong. After trying one more time I exhale and stopped trying, his soft snores and rasping breath on my neck filled the room, he was like a baby, an innocent baby.

We stayed like that for half an hour but this shit was getting uncomfortable for me. I nudged him to tell him to move but he didn't budge. I tried again and he pulled me down on the bed laying down with me in front of him our bodies curled up with each other. He cuddled me like a huge teddy bear. I tried looking at him to see if he was awake but his snores told me he was not.

He's actually really cute. I smiled, looking at him.
I can't like him though I tried to convince myself. I gotta do what I had to.

But I seem to stop my heart from beating fast. With his straight nose shaped sharply, and his pale skin, this scene makes the atmosphere erotic.

My breath fastened as I observed him.

He looked like a baby when he was sleeping. I heard a notification from my phone. I tried getting up to check, but he was holding onto me.

I don't know if I can do this, he's such a sweet person. I thought, after a couple of minutes of thinking he stirred in his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and sat up.

"Hey" I murmured.

"Hello, I fell asleep" He replied, releasing his arms from around me, "I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Don't apologize" I replied.

I took up my phone seeing the message from him I opened it

J: Did you get the information yet?

I deleted the message and close the app and close my phone.

"You want food?" Ciel asked.

"Let's get married," I said, looking into his eyes, watching his face getting red, I love teasing him.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"Let's go, I was just joking" I replied.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Uhm, pizza" I answered.

We left the treehouse and went to a pizza hunt and drove back to his place.

"We eating at yours?" I asked, "I didn't mind but I didn't want to see his brother right now, especially after what Ciel told me what kind of person does that shit to their brother.

"If you don't want to we c-" He replied

"Nah it's fine" I interrupted, I saw him look down, "What were you going to say?" I asked.

"Nothing, never-mind" He replied

" No, say it don't be scared to say something okay, especially when you're with me" I replied.

" I was gonna say we could have eaten at Pizza Hut if you didn't want to eat here."  He let out.

"Oh nah it's fine" I replied.

He opened the car door for me and we exited the car and went to the top floor, he opened the door and I walked in. I don't think I'll get used to the size of this penthouse, it's so huge.

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