Me Too

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"This is a message for all of you out there who have just ended a relationship. Sometimes, love is hard. But you can't just run away from it. When you start to have something special you have to work at it! Even though it might seem like the world is against you, you still have to hold on! With both hands! Don't let society dictate who you can and can't be with. Kyle, I love you babe. You can run all you want, try to pretend you like girls, but damnit, when we kiss there's magic! Don't let it go, Kyle. I want to hold you every morning and love you every night, Kyle. I promise you nothing but love and happiness.

I swear by the moon and the stars and the sky
I'll be there, Kyle
I swear, like the shadow that's by your side
Kyle, swear to God I'll be there.
For better or worse, till death do us part
I'll love you with every gay beat of my heart!"

As Cartman sings to me in front of the whole stadium, my heart skips a beat in an unexpected way. My face heats up and my mouth drops open as I see mine and Cartman's faces up on the jumbotron with hearts around us.
"I...I.." I bolt from the stadium to the bathroom. Locked away in the corner stall I splash water on my face. I brace my hands on the sink and look at myself in the mirror.

"Get your shit together Broflovski" I growl at my reflection. I jolt when I hear the bathroom door open and with a peak over the stall door I see that it's Cartman. I step out of the stall with a deep breath. My eyes are stuck to the tile floor and my hands are curled into fists.

"Why'd you run off, Kahl?" He asks with something akin to a sneer. I look towards the door, trying to find a path out of here. Out from under his scrutinizing gaze.

"I should kill you.." I say, unconvincing to my own ears. Cartman's eyebrows knit together in confusion and I take my chance. I bolt past him and out the door, making my way out of the stadium entirely before he catches up.

I tuck a few stray curls under my hat and shove my hands into my pockets. Cartman grabs my arm, slowing me to a stop next to him.
"Hey what's going on?" He says with a seriousness that wasn't there before. His face is so open and receptive that I almost tell him what's on my mind. But I can't, not to him at least.

"Nothing" I say at last. "Sorry, I gotta go" I say as I trudge down the sidewalk. Every step away from him makes my chest feel hollow and I don't want to believe it's why I think. Because I can't have a crush on Eric Cartman.
And yet, I think I do.
Oh god.
I have a crush on Eric Cartman. My vision sways and before I know it, my knees are on the pavement. My breath comes out in gasps as I clutch at my chest.

"Kyle? Kyle!" I hear from somewhere around me. My head tilts to the side to see Cartman running towards me. His hands are on my shoulders and they're shaking me but it's like I'm not even there. Like I'm floating somewhere off to the side, watching from afar.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Talk to me!" He shouts. I snap back to the present and shudder as I take a deep breath in. Cartman's eyes are wide and skimming across my face frantically. I grab his hoodie in my fists and lean my head against his chest.

"I'm fine. Its okay" I whisper and he releases the breath he was holding. "Kyle" he breathes out and I trail my eyes up to his to see genuine concern there. I unfurl my fists and flex my hands a few times before smoothing my hands down Cartman's arms. Once I realize what I'm doing I snap my hands away and stare down at them.

"I have to go" I mumble as I climb to my feet and sway for a moment. Cartman's hands never leave my shoulders and I stop to look at him. His brown eyes stare into mine and my cheeks heat up as I grab his wrists to pull his arms away.

"At least let me walk you home" Cartman offers and the offer alone makes me nod my head at him. "Please" I whisper as he walks up and wraps an arm around my shoulder, steering me towards my house.
We're silent. The only sounds being the crunch of our shoes on the ground and puffs of smoky air from our lungs with every breath.

We stop moving and I look up. "We're here" I mumble with numb lips. I fumble with my keys and they slip from my hands to the steps below. I stare at them, lost in my thoughts, when suddenly Cartman swipes them off the ground. He tries both keys until the door clicks open allowing us both to go inside.

Cartman kicks his shoes off and walks over to me as I slowly untie mine. He seems almost nervous as he turns to his backpack, grabbing a folder and walking over to the couch with it.

"What are you doing?" I ask and he stops pulling papers out to look at me. "Well I thought we some homework" he tells me. I sigh and run my hands down my face.

"Sure" I throw my hands up and grab my backpack, bringing it over to Cartman. "What do you need help on?" I ask sternly as I plop down next to him. He turns to me with his hands curled together in his lap, looking more serious than I've ever seen him.

"Kyle..well, I..." he sighs in frustration and turns forward. "Okay, I'm not close to Stan so I couldn't go to him and we all know Kenny is a blabbermouth so he's out too. And I know we always fight and argue but I feel like you're the only one I can go to with this." He says through clenched teeth.

I sit up straight and turn my whole body toward him. "What is it, Eric?" I ask quietly. His eyes are closed and he takes a deep breath before blurting out "I think I might be bi." My breath catches in my throat and I blink a few times.

"Dude, I...Well, me too." I say, staring at my hands. "Me too" I whisper to them.

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