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I don't know how long I've been walking, or even where I'm going. All I can think of is Eric's face as I turned around. So full of surprise and something else I couldn't pinpoint.

I look up from the cracked sidewalk to see Stark's Pond in front of me. I slump onto a bench not too far from the water with a sigh. I shouldn't have left.

"What're you doing out 'ere?" I hear from my left. I jump and look over to see Kenny standing there. "Thought ya had some important dinner or s'methin'" he peers sideways at me with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, man. I think I might've fucked it up, though." I press my face into my palms with a sigh. " We told our parents about us and Eric's mom didn't say anything, dude, she just walked outside for a cigarette. So, Eric ran up to my room and I started talking to my parents and Ike, telling them why I like Eric. Mom said something about not wanting to regret my decision and I just started talking. I couldn't stop myself, either! And I just kept talking and I...I said I think that I love him without knowing he was behind me. Then I just left! Walked out the front door without saying anything else." I stare out onto the water for a long moment.

"What if I went too far, Kenny?" I whisper. Something is waved in my face and I see Kenny holding a joint out to me. I take it and take a couple hits before passing it back.

"If it's meant to be, it won't have been too far, man." He says with a half smile, smoke trailing from his parted lips. Seeing Kenny's confidence relaxes me some.

"Yeah...." I mumble as I stand up. "I should get back. Every one's probably worried. Thanks man, for everything." I say, starting back toward my house.

The cold air nips at my ears and my finger tips and my lips, but I pay it no mind. The trek back isn't a long one and I somewhat wish it had been longer.

I stop in front of the door and study it for a moment. The weathered brown surface stares back at me with no answers.

"Here goes.." I mumble as I turn the door knob and step inside. All heads turn towards me and my breath catches in my throat. Anxiety. That's all that is, I remind myself with a deep breath.

"Uh..hi?" I say uncertainly, looking from face to face. I hear a sniffle from a blanket pile on the couch and I shuffle closer. I see Liane sitting next to the pile on one side and my mother on the other side.

My dad and Ike are nowhere to be seen. Probably in their rooms trying to avoid all of this. I don't blame them, either.

"Eric...?" I say softly toward the blanket pile. I look from the pile to my mother's red ringed eyes.

"We didn't know when you were coming back or if you even were." She says softly as she walks into the kitchen. I sit in the newly vacated seat and pull my knees to my chest. I push myself into the far corner of the couch, wrapping my arms around my knees.

"I wasn't going anywhere.." I whisper, leaning my cheek against my knees, facing Eric. Liane excuses herself to the kitchen, leaving us alone in the living room.

"I wasn't lying, you know." I tell him quietly. "Before I left, what I said...I mean it." I say firmly. The pile shifts and Eric's messy brown hair pops out the top, followed by his eyes.

"I shouldn't have just left. I didn't mean to say it..not like that. Not in front of everyone. It's supposed to be something special between just us and I fucked it up..." I mumble as I close my eyes.

I feel Eric slip his hand into mine and lean towards me. "I think I love you, too.." he whispers to me. A grin breaks out on my face and I scoot closer to him.

I lean my forehead against his, eyes closed. I let out a long breath and whisper "I love you, Eric." Before opening my eyes slightly to look at him. I see tears in the corners of his eyes and I breathe in a stuttery gasp.

I quickly kiss him on the forehead and then his cheek. When he doesn't look at me, I grab his cheeks with my hands and pull him forward, kissing him gently on the lips.

He moves the blankets away and squishes himself to my side, resting his head on my shoulder.

"So...Now what?" I mumble, looking at the slumbering t.v. with eyes half closed. Eric shrugs and both of our mothers walk back into the room.

"Everything patched up, bubbe?" My mom asks and I smile at her with a nod. She walks back in the kitchen as Liane sits in the spot next to Eric.

"I know I've been hard on you, snookums. And I don't have an excuse for any of it, but...I just want you to know that I love you. You're always gonna be my baby boy and I can't change how I treated you in the past but I'll try my best from now on, Okay?" She says quietly. Eric looks at her with wide eyes.

Eric says nothing and for a long moment everything is still. All of a sudden, Eric jumps into his mother's arms, wrapping himself around her tightly. I don't want to interrupt the moment so I just smile at them.

I stand up and walk toward the kitchen and my own mother. Once there, I wrap my arms around her middle and sigh.

"Oh, bubbe." She says softly, swaying with me. "I'm so proud of you." She tells me with a smile.

"Thank you, ma." I say as I release her and head back to the living room.

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