The picture.

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I wake up to a shuddering sound of a camera. Quickly I sit up and see the whole fucking camp around me and nikki while gwen Is taking a picture. I look down at nikki and see while she's asleep she's grabbing for my warmth again. I look at gwen and wispers "we will speak later" she nods and I lay back down with nikki. "God why he knew I liked her" I hear Harrison say outside of our tent. I kinda feel bad for him but it's nikki choice since I relied that I like like nikki. I think I'll be ok with whoever she picks.

Time skip to later

Nikki POV

My eyes slowly open to see maxs arms wrapped around my waist. My face started to get very hot. Wait do do I like max. I turn around and see the blue of maxes hoodie.'I wish I could wear it' I thought. I feel max move around bit behind me before opening his eyes. He looked in my eyes before blushing madly.


I open my eye to be met with nikki beautiful violet eyes. I feel my face growing very hot. I slowly started to unwrap my arms from around her waist when see grabs one of my hands and stops me from moving them. I look at her " Why are you leaving" she said sadly "we need to get up anyway it's like ten am" I say "ok max" I finished moving my hands and get out of the blanket and grab my hoodle but before I put it on nikki takes it and slips it over her head. I shake my head. We walk out of the tent to see the campers looking at something. BOOM I remember the picture. I sprint over there and see the picture in gwen hands. I quickly take it from her hands to see me and nikki snuggling together. My face grows hot "this is mine now" I turn on my heel and walk out of the mess hall doors, nikki following close behind.

Max vs. his feelings (Makki)Where stories live. Discover now