Chapter 5

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Connor and Matt ran backstage and saw Tyler and June, dead. They both saw blood in a trail that led to the back door. "What, the FUCK," Connor shouted. "Who, what bastard did this?" Connor dropped to his knees, kneeling over June. He was stunned, his own friend, dead. "I'll find the bitch who did this and I'll kill them myself." Connor announced then ran off in a huff.

Matt was horrified at the gruesome scene.

"I know who did it," A voice came from behind Matt, he turned around and saw Izzy.

The blue bird man named Max appeared "Oh Ho, our first victims, how delightful!" Max smiled "Time for a trial!" He drew up a table and ballots, he also brought Connor back from where ever he had run off too. When Max brought back Fleur, she was covered in red. Connor saw her, enraged. "You," He said angrily "you fucking killed my best friend, right behind my damn back!" Connor seemed as though he was about to kill Fleur himself.

"Now now children, calm down, we must vote before there is a punishment."

Everyone voted Fleur, the evidence was right in front of them. Max pulled up a T.V. and too Fleur to a dark room. When the T.V. flickered on, Fleur was hanging upside down. Thousands of spiders, snakes and other huge, monster like creatures crawled on Fleur, eating her alive. She screamed in pain for what seemed hours. After the punishment was over, Maddie seemed like she was going to throw up. Connor was in shock, he was upset but he didn't mean it when he said he was gonna kill her.

Matt tried to block out the gruesome horrors he had just witnessed. Matt went to bed, he had a nightmare he was the one being eaten alive.

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