Chapter Three

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As a plump, elderly woman plops an entree of suspicious chicken on his plate, Tajmeh is too lost in his thoughts to notice. 

         "Aye, Taj! Keep it moving please!" A not-so-friendly dark-haired boy behind him barks. 

        "Sorry, Kevin." He meagerly responds and takes a step forward. Making his way towards his table-empty- he sits and resumes to his thoughts, still clinging to the thought of the strange stone.

"Taj, this is the third day in a row you didn't eat your lunch." A lunch lady said, taking my food trey. "What's  the point in getting in lunch if you're not going to eat it?"

My only response was a shrug. I was still consumed with thoughts of why I'm having the dream. I know I'm not crazy. I know it means something. I just haven't found out yet.

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