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I eyed the boy across the room with a glare in my eyes. Why was he making fun of me?
And to think I was actually falling for him.im so foolish." What's wrong buddy?"jonah said looking up from his food. "are...you actually crying?" He said after a moment of silence for.
"Don't be an idiot. I'm just not in the mood." I said harshly wiping my eyes. Jonah stood from his spot across the small lunch table taking a seat beside me.

"I care about you,you know?" Jonah's voice was sad. He put his hand on my back trying to comfort me.
'Obviously not enough..you won't even let me be friends with jack..' I thought but nodded. "I know."

"Then why won't you tell me what's wrong?i promise I won't be mad." jonah asked surprising me. I sighed contently giving  in.
"It's jack.."
Jonah muttered something under his breath before looking at me. "He's no good..just stay away from him everything will be fine.
"Yeah.." I sighed. It wasn't the response I wanted but I didn't even know what I expected from jonah.

I laid in my bed starring at the ceiling I avoided jack the entire day. I was mocked every time Christina and her friends walked past me.
they made fake weeping sounds and threw tissues at me, it made me wonder where corbyn was that day because he most likely would've stopped her from being a devil. I hated the torment I revived from the girl.

I turned my head looking at the clock it was now 8:47pm I sighed closing my eyes thinking of jack.
'Maybe love wasn't for me.'

"I believe love is for everyone."a voice said reading my thoughts.

I looked to see the door of my room cracked open and corbyn was there. "I don't think you meant to say that out loud."

"why are you here?"
"I heard you didn't have a car so I came to pick you up for the party." He smiled brightly.

"Why are you so nice to me?im not any special..I'm plain and boring also my face is always wet."

His happy smile turned sad he stepping inside my room and sat on my bed beside me." You're not plain or boring. You just have a wet face." His hand reached down wiping away a tear from my face and it reminded me of jack.

"You don't think it makes me a freak? I whispered.

corbyns lips turned to a flat line and his eyes glared over me. I suddenly felt self conscious. "Freak? If it takes that little to make people freaks I don't think I would have any friends. We have all got our problems zach." He stood suddenly and went to my closet. He pulled out a shirt and showed it to me with a smile. "You're gonna look great in this tonight."

With corbyn by my side I felt my confidence soar. The way I was looked at was nothing different from usual, People wondering why tears came down my cheeks but that's not how I saw it in my head. I saw it as people staring in awe and That I was the new confident, important kid who walked alongside corbyn besson.
corbyn grabbed my arm dragging me to the counter where a few people sat around drinking. Christina or rather the devil, Tatum, Kay, Chance and Jack.  Christina laughed obnoxiously loud with her friends and had a dress that practically left nothing to the imagination it made me groan in annoyance. "Hey its our favorite cry baby!" Christina giggles leaving forward grabbing my cheeks and squeezing them rather harshly. Her friends laughed around me and I pushed her hands away. "Don't be so mean zayn, I'm just teasing." I noticed jack watching but averted his eyes when he saw me looking. She tried to hold in her laughter but it wasn't going her way
"You look good zach." Kay said suddenly surprising us all. "Yeah I'd totally fuck." Chance said winking at me and suddenly I felt nervous as all eyes hit me and began to tremble when jacks blank faced turned into a frown.

'Why won't you talk to me?'

corbyns arm wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me closer. "I was thinking maybe we all play beer pong or something with Zach. I shook my head in protest but corbyn pulled me to the table the rest following.
They changed their minds and decided to play truth or dare. I knew I was going to be forced to I grabbed a cup of beer and joined the group.


As the game went forward I noticed Christina giggling a bunch to her friends and looking over to me or maybe corbyn he was beside me. I kept grabbing more beers hoping it would get rid of my mind crushing anxiety because I knew Christina would try and embarrass me in this game. I didn't want to be sober enough to remember the embarrassment when it happened.
"Corbyn I dare to make out Christiana's foot." Kenzie laughed and corbyn sighed out loud. "I know she's my girlfriend but that doesn't mean I like feet." He groaned with a chuckle. Corbyn got down on the floor and began to kiss her naked food licking a long stride on her heel. He began putting the toes in his mouth and I quickly looked away havingenough of the weird love session that was way too intamite for public. My eyes searched for something to look at and landed on jack who looked in my direction as well.

"Hey crybaby I dare you to make-out with chance for at-least five minutes."Christina laughed aloud catching my attention.

I hated her damned laugh.

Next thing I knew chance was infront of me lips parted and moving forward. I tremble lightly realizing he was stealing my first kiss without a moments of hesitation or asking for consent.He was stealing my lips virginity infront of jack avery. His tongue parted my lips and explored, in a moment of panic I tried to push away but was only pulled closer into him. His hands pushed up against my ass leaving me no room to push him further away and he made me feel funny.
Between the beer and the party lights I forgot everything and began to explore my first kiss. He pushed us against a wall my back hitting it harshly he leaned even closer against me while still kissing me and put his hands around my back. In a swift moment his hands slipped inside my shorts and under my boxers grasping my ass squeezing hard.

My left eye opened and there starring at me was jack mouthing the word 'whore.'


Fuck jack ahaha and fuck chance

Fuck jack ahaha and fuck chance

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