4- You Pass Me A Note

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A week later


School has started again and everyone's talking about their 'awesome new years eve parties'. Two of those people are Jourdan Dunn and Lily Aldridge, my best friends. "I got pretty drunk, I must say." Lily said as we were sitting at one of the cafeteria tables. It was the first day of school after break and the cafeteria seemed fuller than usual.

There was one particular face I hadn't seen yet though.

"Hmm." Jourdan replied, giving Lily a sceptical frown. She was one year older than us and clearly wasn't believing Lily's story. "So what did you drink?"

Lily's eyes widened slightly. Jourdan and I looked at each other knowingly. "J-just some- um. What's it called.." Lily stuttered looking down at the sandwich in her hands. "Whiskey." She finally said. Jourdan and I couldn't contain our laughter and I ended up almost spitting out my water. Lily gave us an angry face but in her eyes I could see that she knew she'd been caught. "Sure, Lil, sure." I said, still giggling.

Lily sighed deeply and put her balled fists underneath her chin, leaning her arms onto the table. "Well then what did you do, Klossy?"

I was a little taken aback by the question. Not having prepared one of those cool stories everyone apparently seemed to have. "Not much, honestly." I said, speaking the truth. "Hung out with an old friend for most of the time."

"An old friend?" Jourdan asked, curiosity in her eyes.

"An old boyfriend?" Lily said, laughing at her own joke. Jourdan stifled a laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I told the smiling, dark haired girls. "My next door neighbour, Taylor." I explained to them. "I hadn't really hung out with her for years but we did last week and it was fun."

"Oh, a girl." Was the only thing Lily said.

"Isn't that the blonde curly one with the glasses who you always walk home with?" Jourdan asked.

"Well not always." I replied, looking down at my sandwich. "But yeah, that's her. Haven't seen her yet today."

Jourdan frowned. "Kar, wasn't she the one that-"

"Dropped me when she went to middle school." I interrupted her, finishing her sentence with a roll of my eyes. "Yep, that's her."

"Oh, so that's why her name rang a bell." Lily said, rummaging through her backpack. "So why are you hanging out with her if you know she's going to be a bitch to you again anyway?" She asked casually as she pulled a small mirror out of her bag and stared at her own reflection, lipstick in her other hand.

"Jesus, Lil." Jourdan said, shaking her head at her friends tactics. "Subtle."

Jourdan shrugged and I looked down at my sandwich. "She's kinda right though.." Jourdan added in a softer tone.

"I was 9 and she was 11." I mumbled, having taken a bite. "Besides, she's apologised for that."

"Never trust a friend-dropper." Lily said, shaking her head before finishing up her lipstick.

"What Lily means to say is that maybe you should maybe look out with the trusting part." Jourdan said, directly at me. I nodded and finished my sandwich before my eyes were on the two big, cafetaria doors, which were opening. A certain curly blonde haired girl stepped in. She was walking next to the familiar redhead, Abigail, her best friend. She was a nice girl.

Taylor wore a cute, beige dress and some leather boots underneath it. She was talking to her friend animatedly, using her hands as she did so. I smiled. She looked pretty.

It's Nice To Have A Friend - A Kaylor Fanfic -Where stories live. Discover now