6- Light Pink Sky

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1 year later


"Hey you!" I called out happily as I'd walked through the metal doors of Pop's diner. The bright green and pink neon sign was familiar to me by now. Two blue eyes looked up from the little notebook on the counter and smiles crept onto both of our faces. "Karls." The blonde said, her hair wasn't curly, but long, straight and pulled up in a bun. On her head she wore a paper cap that I'd often made fun of when she started working at the small diner.

She stepped from behind the counter, through the small, wooden gate and pulled me into a tight hug. I was met with the familiar scent of her perfume and shampoo and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds before she let me go and we both stepped back. "How are things around here?"

"Boring." She told me, pointing around the nearly empty diner. There was an old lady sitting in the corner-booth, sipping from her coffee and reading the news paper and one younger couple three tables away from her. "The place has been deserted all week. Everyone's gone for their Spring break vacations." She leaned against the counter and placed her little notebook in the small pouch around her waist. "I've missed you. How was your family visit?"

I smiled. You missed me? "It was good. Boring as well, honestly. A whole week at my aunt and uncle's place turned out to be quite long." I told her. "I'm glad I'm back." I took off my beloved leather jacket and sat down on the booth nearest to the counter. I ran a hand through my hair as I watched how she made her way towards the coffee machine. I felt myself glancing at her long, tanned legs and quickly looked up when she spoke to me.

"The usual?" She'd asked.

I nodded. She smirked and I knew I'd probably been caught staring. I couldn't really help it though, my eyes kept running over her pink waitress outfit. Get a grip, Karlie. I looked down at my hands on the table and cleared my throat. "So, I'll see you at the party tonight, right?"

The blonde looked over her shoulder while still preparing Karlie's black coffee. "Wh-what?" She asked. "Rick's party? You don't think I'm crazy, do you?" The coffee machine burped out some noises and before I knew it, she was sitting across me, smiling as she put her elbows on the table and put her fists underneath her chin, leaning on it.

"You know, most eighteen year olds find parties fun, Taylor." I told her as she slid the coffee across the table.

"Yeah well I'm not most eighteen year olds." She told me, smiling before sticking out her tongue. I chuckled and traced my fingers across the rim of the bright, pink coffee cup.

"You might actually enjoy it, if you'd try."

She scoffed. "I went to like- three parties already."

"You're a senior and you went to three whole parties." I replied drily, lifting up one of my eyebrows. "I'm a sophomore and I've been to more."

She laughed out loud before being interrupted by the old lady in the back, clearing her throat. She mouthed a 'sorry' to me before hurrying off to pour the woman some more coffee before returning to my booth. "I can't help it you're suddenly this 'I like parties so much I wanna go every weekend' type of girl." She told me, quickly sliding back onto the bench of the booth and smiling at me. Her leg bumped into mine.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "Oh come on." I told her. "It's not that bad."

"Hmm remind me, how many guys have you made out with on last months' party?" She asked, hands underneath her chin again as she leaned onto the table.

Only because I can't make out with you.

"Um. Excuse me, only two."

Loud laughter came out of her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh as well. "Screw you." I muttered as I took a sip from my hot coffee. I burned my tongue, of course, and cringed.

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